Coffee and Neuropathy

Posted by judyfrey @judyfrey, Apr 5, 2022

I've had neuropathy for years and currently take Lyrica to control the pain. It is only partly effective. Several months ago I read on a forum that coffee can reduce the neuropathy pain. I realize that most medical professionals advise cutting coffee intake but one night when I was about out of my mind with the tingling sensations I decided to drink a cup. Within 30 minutes the pain was reduced enough that I was able to go back to sleep. Luckily, coffee does not seem to affect my ability to sleep so now it is my go-to when I wake up with neuropathy pain.

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I have autonomic neuropathy I drink 7 to 10 cups of coffee a day. I believe it helps. Also I smoke lots of marijuana. I believe it helps. Also it certainly helps you sleep and coffee doesn’t keep me awake. I have a double espresso before I go to bed and fall asleep the nights I can’t fall asleep with a lot of neuropathic pain and I smoke a lot of pot.

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Coffee helped reduce pain so I could finally sleep at the beginning of my neuropathy/stenosis pain that hit most intensely at night. I take a couple of cups or coffee now a day in the morning. Over the last 3 years, the after effects of the nerve damage are still here and I need a walker to help my balance, but the pain is less and I have reduced gabapentin intake to 300mg at night with a doctor’s guidance. When the pain was strongest, I thought if that went away, I might deal with the rest of what neuropathy challenges me with more easily. That has been the case. Where coffee continues to fit in, I’m not sure, but it is my welcome wake-up in the morning, and was a friend in those killer pain nights when all this started.


While I feel for your pain and hope you get better soon, smoking pot is not healthy. It damages your lungs, and it can cause mental health issues. Hope you don't drive a car. Please find other ways to lessen your pain to live a productive and safe life. I'm in your corner. Best of luck.

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Yeah, there’s lots of research Showing the pros of cannabis THC I’ve been smoking for 50 years last time. I had my lungs Capacity and I’m a very cautious driver. You’ve got autonomic neuropathy and something helps use it


Yeah, there’s lots of research Showing the pros of cannabis THC I’ve been smoking for 50 years last time. I had my lungs Capacity and I’m a very cautious driver. You’ve got autonomic neuropathy and something helps use it

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I agree with your last sentence "You’ve got autonomic neuropathy, and something helps use it". I'd like to see the pros research that you mention. Send links please. As for you comment that you are a "very cautious driver", I feel you are just kidding yourself. The research you mention show the dangers of driving. Believe me I am not against you; I am very supportive of your willingness to try anything, and I wish you well. All I am saying is use it if you must but try to get someone else to drive. I have a few friends that died making poor judgements while stoned. Good luck, we have a battle ahead of us.


It seems for some NP sufferers coffee seems to help with pain. I wonder though, does caffein damage nerves as well.


Try good Cbd oil with terpines
Use daily 2-3 xs day works better then pain meds! Took me 3 months to find out that Cbd does work! Tested my self learned all about it
Stopped all pain meds n started Cbd it will work goin for alotta people an things!
You can add to ur coffee too an instead of drinking coffee find pure coffee extract take that too an alpha lipolic acid it helps a lot

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What is the name of the cbd oil you use?


Hello @judyfrey, Welcome to Connect. I had really never heard that coffee can help reduce neuropathic pain. In fact most of the information I've read is the opposite due to coffee being a stimulant. So it was really interesting when I read your new discussion. I used to drink a lot of coffee but now just a few cups in the morning and maybe one or two later in the day. I did find a couple of references that support what you say which I thought were interesting.

-- Effect of caffeine on the possible amelioration of diabetic neuropathy: A spectroscopic study:
-- The Role of Caffeine in Pain Management: A Brief Literature Review:

Are you able to share a little more about your neuropathy diagnosis and how long you have had it?

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John @johnbishop , with all the crap floating around the internet, you should point out that NIH doesn't vet any of those articles on its website. If you read the disclaimer you'll see that the cited article needs only to be "published by academic publishers or institutions, scholarly societies, or government and non-governmental organizations." that apply to NIH as a publication, not each individual article. It is up to the original publication to decide if the study and/or conclusions merit scientific consideration. In my opinion, the first article (34509062) does not. It's poorly translated (AI anyone?) and one word can completely change the meaning of a scientifically precise statement. Plus, it does not meet the criteria of a "Valid" scientific study. (I.E. 16 people all from the same hospital, all Type 2 ...) A cursory read of the abstract will show that it is not to be taken seriously.


John @johnbishop , with all the crap floating around the internet, you should point out that NIH doesn't vet any of those articles on its website. If you read the disclaimer you'll see that the cited article needs only to be "published by academic publishers or institutions, scholarly societies, or government and non-governmental organizations." that apply to NIH as a publication, not each individual article. It is up to the original publication to decide if the study and/or conclusions merit scientific consideration. In my opinion, the first article (34509062) does not. It's poorly translated (AI anyone?) and one word can completely change the meaning of a scientifically precise statement. Plus, it does not meet the criteria of a "Valid" scientific study. (I.E. 16 people all from the same hospital, all Type 2 ...) A cursory read of the abstract will show that it is not to be taken seriously.

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Welcome @gpanderson, Glad to see that you also read disclaimers and yes, I do hope that everyone reads them. AI worries me a lot now that it has raised it's ugly head in the medical world. I think it is a double edged sword that can do just as much harm as it can do good, depending on a lot of factors controlled by humans who may or may not have our best interests at heart. But hey, I'm human like everyone else with my own opinion. I do enjoy when I can find a research paper that is a double-blind study and written with a conclusion that is easy to understand.

If you don't mind my asking, can you share what brought you to Connect? Have you been diagnosed with neuropathy?


Welcome @gpanderson, Glad to see that you also read disclaimers and yes, I do hope that everyone reads them. AI worries me a lot now that it has raised it's ugly head in the medical world. I think it is a double edged sword that can do just as much harm as it can do good, depending on a lot of factors controlled by humans who may or may not have our best interests at heart. But hey, I'm human like everyone else with my own opinion. I do enjoy when I can find a research paper that is a double-blind study and written with a conclusion that is easy to understand.

If you don't mind my asking, can you share what brought you to Connect? Have you been diagnosed with neuropathy?

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Hi John- I've been diagnosed with so many ailments that I can't remember them all. Neuropathy is just one of them. I'm hoping to find something better than Gabapentin because I don't like the possible memory issues. Any suggestions? Thanks.


Hi John- I've been diagnosed with so many ailments that I can't remember them all. Neuropathy is just one of them. I'm hoping to find something better than Gabapentin because I don't like the possible memory issues. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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Seems like we all have a little different neuropathy journey and what has helped each of us may not work for others but it is helpful to read the experiences of others while we search for a treatment that provides some relief. I shared my neuropathy journey in another discussion here - Here's a link to other discussions on Connect where members have shared what treatment has helped with neuropathy -

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy is another good site to learn what treatments are available that may provide some relief -


Yeah, there’s lots of research Showing the pros of cannabis THC I’ve been smoking for 50 years last time. I had my lungs Capacity and I’m a very cautious driver. You’ve got autonomic neuropathy and something helps use it

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Yes, I agree the THC helps at night. Morning I drink a few cups of coffee too. Plus I take 100mg Pregabalin(Lyrica generic). I still have pain at times but not what it was like a few years ago.

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