Tamoxifen side effects are very worrying. Read these studies

Posted by brightside21 @brightside21, May 26, 2024

I'm on Tamoxifen for 10yrs as I've osteoporosis I can't swap to AIs.
My concerns are my long term brain health.
I've daily have severe headaches, poor concentration, all the usual side effects & none have diminished.

Tamoxifen and mental health

I wish to know what other women feel about this drug & if there are other recent 2024 study reports. Does this drug cause harm to our bodies whilst protecting us from the recurrant cancer? such side-effects of tamoxifen are very concerning when taking for 10yrs.
Please comment , thank you
The link below is of another study & also highlights the problems & issues of Tamoxifen saying "Tamoxifen is
shown to decrease performance on visuospatial, visual, and verbal memory tasks".

Please read below link

brightside21 | @brightside21 | 15 minutes ago
I'm too on Tamoxefen & having extreme brain fog, headaches, depression, poor cognition & concentration...etc...so have been researching & think we should all be very wary of these problems. Studies I've read are not extensive or totally conclusive but are showing up a lot of issues.
Please read this link

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.

I was on Tamoxifen for 8 years and did not experience negative side effects. However 6 months after stopping Tamoxifen my breast cancer recurred in my bones, lymph and liver. I believe the Tamoxifen did a great job slowing the progression of my disease.


While I don’t like the side effects, so many drugs cause similar issues (memory issues, headache, brain function), like statins, yet people keep taking those!
I found tamoxifen side effects to be dose dependent. I had headaches and brain fog at 20 mg. Very tolerable level at 5 mg.
There are benefits to tamoxifen, as well. It provides some protection to heart & bones. It does not damage collagen. For me, it has reversed GSM (vaginal atrophy and dryness). My skin looks better on tamoxifen - most likely because of the estrogen like behavior. If I were around 55 yr old and postmenopausal I’d be eager to try tamoxifen because of research showing how estrogen is beneficial if started shortly after menopause- and tamoxifen is an estrogen agonist in most areas of the body but blocks receptors in the breasts. But I started tamoxifen at 19 years post menopause- so a bit unknown.
It can be a problem for those who are higher risks for thrombosis and endometrial cancer, though.

I’m still working through the headache issue, I’ve had mild intermittent headaches on 5 mg. I started using a nasal antihistamine spray (vasoconstrictor) in March and do not have headaches. There was some indication that I was having sinus pressure (not in my cheek/eye area, and no nasal congestion) - so maybe the recent onset of headaches was only pressure. But tamoxifen is a vasodilator and vasodilation can cause headaches - my theory is the antihistamine is modulating the tamoxifen headache. But that’s probably a leap - and difficult to prove even if it were true.


I was on Tamoxifen for 8 years and did not experience negative side effects. However 6 months after stopping Tamoxifen my breast cancer recurred in my bones, lymph and liver. I believe the Tamoxifen did a great job slowing the progression of my disease.

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So sorry to hear your cancer returned. Wish could give you a big hug! May you have the strength to conquer it again! All the best!


Wondering if anyone taking Tamoxifen has experienced heartburn and gastric reflux with stomach pain at tines Been Taking for about a year first 3 months 20 mg a day then 10 mg Terrible bone pain and exhaustion hot flashes I stopped for 3 months then tried again decreasing to 5 mg a day less side effects Was doing OK then a couple of months ago Started having hot flashes, getting up every hour to urinate, plus insomnia and the need at times not to recall a word in a sentence I stopped medicine almost 1 month ago finally able to sleep better and less nocturia. Saw oncologist and asked could I take 5 mg every other day or 3 times a week He wants me to try Letrozole 2.5 mg a day Concerned of course regarding bone and joint pain and I have osteopenia He said need to find drug I can take and will check bones in a year
Did not have a chance to ask about the heartburn and now stomach pain Concerned it could be gastritis
Thank you always seem my post so long

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