Neuropathy and Cervical Stenosis?

Posted by Ray Kemble @ray666, Sep 29, 2023

I have been reading the evolving thread on neuropathy and lumbar stenosis with particular interest. I have idiopathic sensory-motor PN, giving me terrible balance and difficulty walking, even the shortest distances. In March 2022, I was diagnosed with cervical stenosis (“critical stenosis centrally at C4-C5, C5-C6 without cord signal change”: my neurosurgeon’s note). I had had no cervical-area symptoms then; I had been looking for an answer to my lower-body PN. That I had cervical stenosis came as a surprise. The neurosurgeon offered cervical surgery but cautioned that even a positive outcome might have no effect on my bad balance and walking difficulty. We decided on –– and are continuing with –– a wait-and-see approach to my cervical stenosis. Reading about others’ experiences with PN and lumbar surgeries has me wondering if any of you have ever had cervical stenosis surgery, only to be pleasantly surprised to find that it helped reduce or even eliminate your lower-body PN symptoms.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.

My heart goes out to you. I'm so sorry you are suffering. Do you think acupuncture may help? Best, CB


I had cervical surgery. Mine did not take. The neurosurgeon said the doctor that performed that the acdf cervical fusion should have never been done. They should have done a laminectomy. That's what they did on my lower back. I had severe axonal sensorimotor peripherial polyneuropathy/ cardiac autonomic neuropathy/small fiber way before the stenosis. The problem they did not tell me about is I have to have my esophagus ballooned open every six months otherwise it closes off and you choke. It will not change the neuropathy problems. Motor neuropathy causes tremors in hands/arms/legs. It says movement disorders. I had to go to Boston to put two and two together. They kept calling it essential tremors but that is one sided. Now I am being tested for CIDP. Peripheral neuropathy caused by diabetes, autoimmune, chemotherapy, some medications ( on the insert it does not say neuropathy it says pins and needles) and idiopathic. Mine is autoimmune and I test negative for everything almost. I tested 13 for rheumatoid arthritis and you have to test 14. Strong family history. I posted all the labs that I had to have done in order to see a research neurologist based out of Boston. I live in Texas. These are the doctors she recommended that I have. Immunologist,
Neuromuscular neurologist and Neuromusclar physical therapist. I get severe muscle spasms, tremors (can't hold a glass or cut up my food. Sometimes my husband holds my glass and if I can't get the food to my mouth he feeds me. I can't feel my hands so I constantly cut them needing stitches, bladder problems) I think the worst is the muscle spasms and tremors. Nerve pain wakes me up every morning at 230 am. The surgeries for my cervical and lumbar made no differences for me. Instead, it caused more problems. My cervical was done due to injury from a seizure. I could not hold a empty glass. I would drop it. I fractured T7 due to a seizure. I have spinal bifida also in my lower back causing problems.You can get seizures from neuropathy just an fyi.

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Hi and new to Mayo site. I am Joann and thanks for reply. I have severe stenosis, neuropathy and other issues. I've had it too long and no doctors ever had an answer. Meds, surgery-when they wanted to replace 6 of my discs about 10 years ago and no guarantee. Couldn't do that. My latest surgeon Dr said he would not suggest surgery for no results and 15 hours to repair what can't be repaired. Advise was the shots and drugs which are made in China and I stay with Pinot and med'l pot. I read a post here and person said........learn everything you can, alter what you can and accept what you can't alter. Came to site since I have no one to understand the pain the body is able to give you. Sorry for all but I am not alone. Be Well............


My heart goes out to you. I'm so sorry you are suffering. Do you think acupuncture may help? Best, CB

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I had cervical surgery. Mine did not take. The neurosurgeon said the doctor that performed that the acdf cervical fusion should have never been done. They should have done a laminectomy. That's what they did on my lower back. I had severe axonal sensorimotor peripherial polyneuropathy/ cardiac autonomic neuropathy/small fiber way before the stenosis. The problem they did not tell me about is I have to have my esophagus ballooned open every six months otherwise it closes off and you choke. It will not change the neuropathy problems. Motor neuropathy causes tremors in hands/arms/legs. It says movement disorders. I had to go to Boston to put two and two together. They kept calling it essential tremors but that is one sided. Now I am being tested for CIDP. Peripheral neuropathy caused by diabetes, autoimmune, chemotherapy, some medications ( on the insert it does not say neuropathy it says pins and needles) and idiopathic. Mine is autoimmune and I test negative for everything almost. I tested 13 for rheumatoid arthritis and you have to test 14. Strong family history. I posted all the labs that I had to have done in order to see a research neurologist based out of Boston. I live in Texas. These are the doctors she recommended that I have. Immunologist,
Neuromuscular neurologist and Neuromusclar physical therapist. I get severe muscle spasms, tremors (can't hold a glass or cut up my food. Sometimes my husband holds my glass and if I can't get the food to my mouth he feeds me. I can't feel my hands so I constantly cut them needing stitches, bladder problems) I think the worst is the muscle spasms and tremors. Nerve pain wakes me up every morning at 230 am. The surgeries for my cervical and lumbar made no differences for me. Instead, it caused more problems. My cervical was done due to injury from a seizure. I could not hold a empty glass. I would drop it. I fractured T7 due to a seizure. I have spinal bifida also in my lower back causing problems.You can get seizures from neuropathy just an fyi.

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I just live with it since doctors tests etc waste of time. Find you relief..........


I just live with it since doctors tests etc waste of time. Find you relief..........

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I couldn’t live with it after I injured the disk because of a seizure. I could not hold anything. It would just drop the glass or beans anything. The surgery was done as an emergency surgery Not elected.


Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Looks like you are getting lots of replies. I hope you find relief soon.


good luck....this is life.....doctors will make $ anyway they can.


I had AC/DC surgery this spring and my condition has improved

A spine surgeon examined me about 4 years ago and showed me an MRI image my stenosis in my neck . He said the disc between 3 and 4 was pressing on my spinal cord and may be contributing to my problems. He said he would operate on me but said I was welcome to get a second opinion

I saw. A neurologist who said the spine surgeon didn’t know what he was talking about. So I declined the surgery

My condition continued to worsen and regressed to a wheel chair

I went back to the spine surgeon who agreed to operate

The operation was very helpful. Improving balance, feeling returning to arm, hands , legs, and feet, better bowel movements.

I’m 81 years old and will never be young again but I’m out of the wheel chair and can walk short distances

I have no pain

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Where are you from? Who did your spine surgery? So glad it was worth it and doing much better. What were your symptoms due to neck stenosis?


Where are you from? Who did your spine surgery? So glad it was worth it and doing much better. What were your symptoms due to neck stenosis?

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I had surgery at orthocarolina

Dr Daubert was my surgeon

Balance issues and pain in arms

Digestion is better also

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