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I live in Texas medical marijuana is not an option for me.
Yes, my neurologist said he would recommend it for me.
Listen to Dr Anne Oaklander a research neurologist. She brings it up in one of her studies. Have I tried it yes when I visited Colorado and California. I have asthma and can’t smoke. I did an edible.. I slept all the way through the night. I took an indica 10 mgs. Currently, we are stationed in Germany and when we come back looking at Colorado Springs. I am allergic to over50 different medications so it’s hard on me. The only opioid I can take is OxyContin and oxycodone by KVK tech. Malimkoft I am allergic too.

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Replies to "I live in Texas medical marijuana is not an option for me. Yes, my neurologist said..."

Thank you for your response. You have a lot to deal with. I would never consider the smoking variety, cannot imagined doing that to my lungs. So ingestible or topical would be my choice but still collecting info before I consult my neurologist. he is pretty cautious because of balance disorder I have that my not be all related to neuropathy.

Hi Artemis,
I live in Colorado< and I am very grateful that I have easy access to all types of products that contain THC and CD. I find it very helpful for my spinal stenosis pain and for my anxiety.
I am sorry that you are allergic to so many meds. That must be hard.