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The catherizations are very common these days and highly successful. You will be in good hands and other than dealing with limiting activities after it you should be fine. I have had 3.

I was not given any stents but put on statin to prevent plaque from getting any worse. The surgeon can see how much your blood flow is restricted to see if a stent is needed.

Those stents are life saving. I have many many friends who have had them and make great changes in ther physical abilities and pain and discomfort. They too have become common place and a common procedure if cardiologist deems best and if needed.

The catherization will be one of the most precise test you can have to accurately diagnose the degree of cardiovascular disease you have or don't have the the appropriate treatment for it.

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Replies to "@tropicgal711 The catherizations are very common these days and highly successful. You will be in good..."

After the stent, they gave me a ECG. It’s says I have normal sinus rhythm tu also says an anterior Fascicular block on left?? I go for follow up on July 22 so I’ll find out! Thanks for your help!

I had my first cauterization in 2008, was not put to sleep and watched procedure on the monitor. Since then I have had 8 stents implanted and several that developed blockages that had to be cleared and these required having a cauterization each time. I have probably had 12 to 15 of these procedures and have made it to age 84 next month. Has been a lifesaver for me. I also am diabetic and dealing with low blood pressure.