← Return to Male breast cancer: Anyone other men out there with breast cancer?

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My BC was found incidentally from a CT scan in Jan. I had to have a mammogram and ultrasound with tomography to determine size and location. I was already dealing with prostate and kidney canccrs. so this was alarming. It was not from metastasis and the lymph nodes were clear. Later I had a PET sacn for prostate and the spot showed clearly on upper left chest . I had another mammogram and marker strip placement during biopsy and that confirmed by pathology to be grade 1, stage 2 breast cancer. Positive estogen receptor and negative HER2 . Invasive ductal without lymph node involvement Surgery scheduled soon. Talked the docs down to lumpectomy, radiation and chemo from full mastectomy. The later may happen if the margins require it. Hoping for Lumpo. No pain or discomfort , just anxiety.

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Replies to "My BC was found incidentally from a CT scan in Jan. I had to have a..."

Hey @deebee41, I'm tagging fellow male breast cancer members like @racing212 @chipmaria and @agingrobert in the hopes that they'll join the discussion.

Will the sugery changed to mastectomy during the lumpectomy if they are not able get clear margins? Are you currently also receiving any treatment for prostate or kidney cancer?