Male breast cancer: Anyone other men out there with breast cancer?

Posted by racing212 @racing212, Jul 25, 2019

Any one know anything about it I'm a 50 yo male. I had a mammogram and it showed a mass

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Hi @chipmaria, I'd like to add my welcome. Can you help me understand? Because the cancer was found in the lymph nodes in your armpit, you are being treated by a breast cancer specialist. Am I understanding that correctly? Was the lymph node biopsied to determine it was breast cancer related rather than a lymphoma? I'm curious.

I'd also like to bring @racing212 and @agingrobert into this discussion.

Now on to your questions about lymph care post surgery and radiation. You can read more from @trixie1313 and others in these discussions.
- Lumpectomy scar healing time
– Cording / Axillary Web Syndrome (AWS)

Have you also been given advice and guidance about prevention of lymphedema?


Hi Trixie - and thank you for replying so quickly. I was assigned a physical therapist who specializes in men and women who have had lymph nodes removed. She provided me with some good guidance and exercises specifically for the arm. I was pretty good doing the exercises and the discomfort was not that bad; however, right around Oct 1 it started to get worse-sharp pains. I met with the doctor on October 10th and she said that it was due to scar tissue healing and the impact on the radiation (6 weeks). At the present time it is at a pain level ranging from 3-6 and it is 24/7. I contacted the doctor on November 12th and she prescribed me 100 mg of Gabapentin 2 capsules three times a day. I have taken these and nothing happens. It is extremely difficult to sleep at night; however, I do take about an hour nap in the afternoon due to being so tired from not sleeping the night before. Not sure what a "sell spot" is - but I will look into it. Thanks again Trixie.

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Not sure how it works for men, but the below site gives you examples of the different swell spots available which help break up lymph flow plus helps to soften up ridges caused by radiation. Gabapentin may help with the pain, but then your problem would still continue. I would ask your physical therapist for more help along those lines. For myself, because I wound up with two surgeries and 30 treatments of radiation in three areas due to the two different areas of cancer in my breast as well as the lymph node eroding into the lymphatics, I could not sleep comfortable in my bed for about 9 months or more and so slept in my LaZyBoy recliner. It was explained to me by my surgeon that some of the sharp pains were from nerves regrowing - they have mostly gone away for me.
(for examples of swell spots:


Trixie: Wow...good information. And I am with you...I seem more comfortable in the recliner then laying flat on the bed. Also, I want to say that I am sorry for the pain and discomfort that you have to go through - as with many of the men and women on this post. I was prescribed Gabapentin (100mg) two pills a day three times a day. I do not drink or take drugs...thought this might be a life changer - I might as well been popping M&M' a matter of fact I may do that at least there is some satisfaction from that - lol.


Hi @chipmaria, I'd like to add my welcome. Can you help me understand? Because the cancer was found in the lymph nodes in your armpit, you are being treated by a breast cancer specialist. Am I understanding that correctly? Was the lymph node biopsied to determine it was breast cancer related rather than a lymphoma? I'm curious.

I'd also like to bring @racing212 and @agingrobert into this discussion.

Now on to your questions about lymph care post surgery and radiation. You can read more from @trixie1313 and others in these discussions.
- Lumpectomy scar healing time
– Cording / Axillary Web Syndrome (AWS)

Have you also been given advice and guidance about prevention of lymphedema?

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Hi Colleen. In February I had a CAT scan done for some unrelated issues I was having. The CAT did not find anything relating to the issues I was having; however, it did find that I had a tumor on my liver and cancer in the lymph nodes. Further evaluation and a biopsy of the liver cancer and the lymph node cancers found them not related. The lymph nodes cancer was identified as squamous cell carcinoma. My liver doctor referred me to the breast cancer doctor since she did not get involved in lymph nodes and breast cancer doctors do. I had some squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cancer on my face in 2018 and 2020 (same spot). Sort of weird; however, none of the doctors will say that the SCC in my lymph nodes came from the SCC in the nose area. Different story obviously. I will be checking out the links you listed Colleen...thank you again. Also, I did go to a lymphedema therapist and she provided me with some exercises and pretty much said to not go on airplanes or visit high altitudes do the impact it would have on the area of where my lymph nodes were.


My BC was found incidentally from a CT scan in Jan. I had to have a mammogram and ultrasound with tomography to determine size and location. I was already dealing with prostate and kidney canccrs. so this was alarming. It was not from metastasis and the lymph nodes were clear. Later I had a PET sacn for prostate and the spot showed clearly on upper left chest . I had another mammogram and marker strip placement during biopsy and that confirmed by pathology to be grade 1, stage 2 breast cancer. Positive estogen receptor and negative HER2 . Invasive ductal without lymph node involvement Surgery scheduled soon. Talked the docs down to lumpectomy, radiation and chemo from full mastectomy. The later may happen if the margins require it. Hoping for Lumpo. No pain or discomfort , just anxiety.


My BC was found incidentally from a CT scan in Jan. I had to have a mammogram and ultrasound with tomography to determine size and location. I was already dealing with prostate and kidney canccrs. so this was alarming. It was not from metastasis and the lymph nodes were clear. Later I had a PET sacn for prostate and the spot showed clearly on upper left chest . I had another mammogram and marker strip placement during biopsy and that confirmed by pathology to be grade 1, stage 2 breast cancer. Positive estogen receptor and negative HER2 . Invasive ductal without lymph node involvement Surgery scheduled soon. Talked the docs down to lumpectomy, radiation and chemo from full mastectomy. The later may happen if the margins require it. Hoping for Lumpo. No pain or discomfort , just anxiety.

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Hey @deebee41, I'm tagging fellow male breast cancer members like @racing212 @chipmaria and @agingrobert in the hopes that they'll join the discussion.

Will the sugery changed to mastectomy during the lumpectomy if they are not able get clear margins? Are you currently also receiving any treatment for prostate or kidney cancer?


Hey @deebee41, I'm tagging fellow male breast cancer members like @racing212 @chipmaria and @agingrobert in the hopes that they'll join the discussion.

Will the sugery changed to mastectomy during the lumpectomy if they are not able get clear margins? Are you currently also receiving any treatment for prostate or kidney cancer?

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No treatments for kidney or prostate as of yet . Prostate will probably get something but the side effects of Casodex and Lupron are turn offs. It is up to the surgeon on the BC. Radioation Onc. thinks it is doable for lumpo..surgeon is iffy about it Will know on the 18 th !

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