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Autoimmune Diseases and Fatigue

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Oct 4, 2023 | Replies (544)

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anybody out there? How do I know when I need to go to the hospital with flu

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Replies to "anybody out there? How do I know when I need to go to the hospital with..."

As I understand it, if you have a high fever (over 101) more than a day or two, aches, pains, stiffness, cough you should be seen. You could call your doc and try to get Rx of Tamiflu if symptoms just arising. If you are older or already ill, you can't be too careful, though.

Hello @louferrigno, welcome to Mayo Connect. Thank you for posting. May I ask what symptoms you have for the flu?

Mayo Clinic has some good information on flu symptoms and when you should see your doctor here:
-- https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/flu/expert-answers/flu-symptoms/faq-20057983


Someone said if your temp is 101 head for the ER. BUT the ER is packed, go to your neighborhood ER Center


Sorry for the delay in responding. Some days I'm not up to going online.

The doctor told me that, if after the fever goes down and I start feeling better, and the fever returns, get to the ER.

I had a fever for around ten days and felt lousy for a week after that, but I didn't get a fever again.

I hope you're starting to feel better.
