Does anyone have chronic constipation?

Posted by anna17X0X @anna17xox, Apr 11 5:30pm

I don't know what's going on with my digestion ,I have been chronically constipated since December so it's been 4 months. I am always gassy and the smell has been very foul so I've been scared and embarrassed to be around people lately because of how bad it smells, when I've tried to poop only gas comes out most of the time, sometimes my stomach feels stiff and I start to feel lethargic. And I've tried almost everything digestive drinks like meta Mucil, eating more fiber i live an active lifestyle and I drink plenty of fluids and water. I recently had an appointment with my pediatrician about this she made me do colon cleansing for a day . And take Miralax for a minimum of 3 weeks. My stools were watery during the cleansing but after a couple days it feels like my stool is going back to being hard and stubborn. I still don't poop completely sometimes and I'm still gassy but it's not smelly like it was before. She said I can stop taking Miralax when i feel like my stools are going back to normal after a few days or weeks and it's been a week or two and a few days. I know I still need to wait one more week but my follow-up appointment is next Wednesday. The Miralax seems like a temporary fix, I feel like it'' never go away the worst part is I cant figure out what the cause is. I don't think it's IBS because I heard IBS involves bloody stools and stomach cramps I don't have bloody stools and I don't think I get stomach cramps . It just feels like have some other serious digestive problem or something I don't really know. I don't want to be constipated for the rest of my life I feel miserable, my pediatrician said if the Miralax doesn't work as intended I may have to see a gastroenterologists.

Has anyone or is anyone dealing with chronic constipation ?,does it or did it ever go away ? and has anyone been experiencing the same symptoms as me ?.Do you have any recommendations on how they treat their constipation ?

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You can eat papaya and pineapple, Magnesium Citrate 1000 mg a day. I never took prescription pills as your body get used to it and then you have to take them for ever. Messaging from right side of belly to left, pushing poo out helps as well. Do it in a circle. Start from bottom right and push on your belly gently, move your hand to top and then down on left. It pushes a lot of poo down to left and out. This is good for when you feel you have to poo, and won't come out.


You can eat papaya and pineapple, Magnesium Citrate 1000 mg a day. I never took prescription pills as your body get used to it and then you have to take them for ever. Messaging from right side of belly to left, pushing poo out helps as well. Do it in a circle. Start from bottom right and push on your belly gently, move your hand to top and then down on left. It pushes a lot of poo down to left and out. This is good for when you feel you have to poo, and won't come out.

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Yes i'm aware,my mom has already warned me about the effects of taking prescription pills for a long time and i was prescribed colace in april 17,and have started taking it on april 20th twice a day for a total of 5 weeks and 1 day. I took my first prescription for 4 weeks asked my pediatrician when i should stop taking it she told until i go to the restroom everyday or no longer than 3 days and until the straining stops and my stool goes back to being soft and normal again. I told her the effects were inconsistent because some days my stools where softer than others and I still strained a little but at least the stools where still coming out. So she prescribed my a colace refill and told me to take the Colace for 3 more weeks to see if the straining stops and that my stools would go back to normal again. If I'm still straining she said i can stop taking it and follow-up for an appointment so we can try something else. And so like I said I took my first prescription for 4 weeks and took I'm currently taking second prescription this week So that's 5 weeks and 1 day of taking Colace . I wanted to know exactly how long you know it takes for prescription pills to get your body used to it and if you think taking colace for this long has already gotten my body too adjusted to it and if taking it for the next 2 weeks will also have this effect ? because I don't want my body to be too dependent on prescription pills and i'm scared it could be happening right now.


You can eat papaya and pineapple, Magnesium Citrate 1000 mg a day. I never took prescription pills as your body get used to it and then you have to take them for ever. Messaging from right side of belly to left, pushing poo out helps as well. Do it in a circle. Start from bottom right and push on your belly gently, move your hand to top and then down on left. It pushes a lot of poo down to left and out. This is good for when you feel you have to poo, and won't come out.

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and can you please recommend a video demo of the excercise your talking about because im more of a a visual learner .


Hi. I am 67 years old and am dealing more now with chronic constipation than any other time in my life. It doesn't help being 7 weeks post op from an L4-5 laminectomy from severe spinal stenosis. Everything I try either cramps me up, makes my upper chest and throat feel full, and just an overall feeling of yuck. Incomplete poops are the standard,if at all. I have bloat daily, some days looking more pregnant than I was 30 years ago! I have been very active all my life and this has put me through the ringer. My dog sorely misses our long walks.
Anyhow, this is my story.....


Hi. I am 67 years old and am dealing more now with chronic constipation than any other time in my life. It doesn't help being 7 weeks post op from an L4-5 laminectomy from severe spinal stenosis. Everything I try either cramps me up, makes my upper chest and throat feel full, and just an overall feeling of yuck. Incomplete poops are the standard,if at all. I have bloat daily, some days looking more pregnant than I was 30 years ago! I have been very active all my life and this has put me through the ringer. My dog sorely misses our long walks.
Anyhow, this is my story.....

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Hi, 67 yr old, I'm 65 and I truly understand your frustration, except no spinal surgery, I am so sorry you had to have surgery.
As for CIC, I'm going on 17 years with no answers. I had twins 45 years ago, so I get the pregnancy reference. Fast forward to now, I have to keep my 💩 very fluid up to and including diarrhea. Nothing works. I use miralax to keep me out of trouble. My smooth muscles that are used to push out the poop seem to have completely gone dormant. I have been diagnosed with primary Hyperparathyroidism now. Elevated calcium levels wreak havoc on our smooth muscles and lots of other symptoms too. Look into it, it affects women of our age the most. But I have had secondary Hyperparathyroidism due to celiac disease for 17 years. I am having surgery to remove 3 1/2 of the 4 glands. I have learned that this surgery needs to be performed by only a super specialist who does hundreds of these surgeries a year. Good luck, who knew that we would ever have to feel the yucky part of pregnancy again at our age.


Yes i'm aware,my mom has already warned me about the effects of taking prescription pills for a long time and i was prescribed colace in april 17,and have started taking it on april 20th twice a day for a total of 5 weeks and 1 day. I took my first prescription for 4 weeks asked my pediatrician when i should stop taking it she told until i go to the restroom everyday or no longer than 3 days and until the straining stops and my stool goes back to being soft and normal again. I told her the effects were inconsistent because some days my stools where softer than others and I still strained a little but at least the stools where still coming out. So she prescribed my a colace refill and told me to take the Colace for 3 more weeks to see if the straining stops and that my stools would go back to normal again. If I'm still straining she said i can stop taking it and follow-up for an appointment so we can try something else. And so like I said I took my first prescription for 4 weeks and took I'm currently taking second prescription this week So that's 5 weeks and 1 day of taking Colace . I wanted to know exactly how long you know it takes for prescription pills to get your body used to it and if you think taking colace for this long has already gotten my body too adjusted to it and if taking it for the next 2 weeks will also have this effect ? because I don't want my body to be too dependent on prescription pills and i'm scared it could be happening right now.

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Why do you need a prescription for Colace? It is sold over the counter.


Why do you need a prescription for Colace? It is sold over the counter.

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yes, but the colace was too pricey so I had it prescribed instead.


I accidentally didn’t take my daily Miralax on Saturday. However, I had several BMs on Sunday and today (Monday) due to what I believe was my special treat food! I didn’t take any Miralax yesterday either.

I normally eat a super regimented healthy diet. But, on Sunday I went off the rails, so to speak. I ate a small serving of fried shrimp, french fries and cole slaw. Something about it made me go big time. That happened to me once before last summer when on vacation, I had a piece of fried fish. I normally don’t eat fish or seafood cooked that way. Still, I’d like to recapture the secret of the cause. I can’t adopt fried dishes into my diet. I focus on healthy and nutritious foods. But, I would like to create the effects. Any input would be appreciated.


I have IBS M (Mixed) and have had it for about 8 years. I tried the diet they recommend but it was much too difficult for me. I know what some of the food offenders are, but not always. I fluctuate between having constipation (impactions) and terrible diarrhea -- on the same day.
Yesterday, I felt like I had to have a BM (not an emergency) and could NOT believe how I had totally soiled myself; one of the worst messes in my life (in my 90's now). UNREAL. So I was very careful with food all day and ate very little -- toast, one scrambled egg, one very weak coffee (instant) which I sometimes take when I NEED to have a BM. That was yesterday.
Today (30 minutes ago) I felt as if I had to have an BM (again, no emergency) and was SHOCKED to see that the toilet bowl was full of diarrhea/pieces of stool -- all sizes/shapes. I went online to see if possibly they had found some medication for this terrible syndrome and saw they had a new one Public Citizen in August 2000 petitioned the FDA to remove the drug because of evidence that it caused ischemic colitis, a life-threatening condition in which bowel tissue dies as a result of a lack of blood flow to the colon. Many patients were hospitalized and suffered permanent injuries shortly after the "new" drug was introduced. Many patients had severe reactions and a few died! SO MUCH FOR MEDICATION.

Why was Alosetron taken off the market?
Public Citizen in August 2000 petitioned the FDA to remove the drug because of evidence that it caused ischemic colitis, a life-threatening condition in which bowel tissue dies as a result of a lack of blood flow to the colon. Many patients were hospitalized and suffered permanent injuries.

What are we supposed to do? I have a great gastroenterologist. He knows his topic but he tells me he cannot help me. I know what I eat and I know what I need to do. I don't.

Good luck to all of you.


I have IBS M (Mixed) and have had it for about 8 years. I tried the diet they recommend but it was much too difficult for me. I know what some of the food offenders are, but not always. I fluctuate between having constipation (impactions) and terrible diarrhea -- on the same day.
Yesterday, I felt like I had to have a BM (not an emergency) and could NOT believe how I had totally soiled myself; one of the worst messes in my life (in my 90's now). UNREAL. So I was very careful with food all day and ate very little -- toast, one scrambled egg, one very weak coffee (instant) which I sometimes take when I NEED to have a BM. That was yesterday.
Today (30 minutes ago) I felt as if I had to have an BM (again, no emergency) and was SHOCKED to see that the toilet bowl was full of diarrhea/pieces of stool -- all sizes/shapes. I went online to see if possibly they had found some medication for this terrible syndrome and saw they had a new one Public Citizen in August 2000 petitioned the FDA to remove the drug because of evidence that it caused ischemic colitis, a life-threatening condition in which bowel tissue dies as a result of a lack of blood flow to the colon. Many patients were hospitalized and suffered permanent injuries shortly after the "new" drug was introduced. Many patients had severe reactions and a few died! SO MUCH FOR MEDICATION.

Why was Alosetron taken off the market?
Public Citizen in August 2000 petitioned the FDA to remove the drug because of evidence that it caused ischemic colitis, a life-threatening condition in which bowel tissue dies as a result of a lack of blood flow to the colon. Many patients were hospitalized and suffered permanent injuries.

What are we supposed to do? I have a great gastroenterologist. He knows his topic but he tells me he cannot help me. I know what I eat and I know what I need to do. I don't.

Good luck to all of you.

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I vote we all sign a petition for a comprehensive redesign of the human body. If only this was possible. Lol!! I hate mine.

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