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Can PMR be induced by Exercise

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) | Last Active: Jun 19 1:56pm | Replies (73)

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It is interesting to learn that many health-conscious, avid fitness enthusiasts, who are in otherwise perfect health, have developed PMR.
I, too, was a personal trainer / fitness instructor and (even at my age) I taught 7+ fitness classes per week, prior to getting the Shingrix vaccine. I also was an avid skier, water sports participant, dancer and hiker. I was completely pain free with NO joint issues and very fit prior to getting the Shingrix vaccine.

I was diagnosed with PMR shortly after receiving the Shingrix vaccine in March of 2021.
My rheumatologist suggested that my PMR was adjuvant induced. (triggered by an ingredient in the vaccine that made my immune system chaotic)

My primary care physician recommended getting Shingrix before getting the COVID vaccine in March of 2021. She told me that many of her elderly patients were getting shingles after receiving the COVID vaccine 💉!!
Reluctantly, I took the vax. So did my husband. In fact, We took it on the same day.
He was a bit sore for a few days after the vax, but got better.
Unfortunately, I did NOT. I got worse.
The pain traveled from my arm - up to my shoulder - across my collarbone- into my neck and over to the other shoulder and upper arm. I felt as though the muscles were being ripped off the bone 😳. I didn’t know what was happening to me. I couldn’t figure out what was going on. I was never that sore !!! 🥹
I couldn’t even dress myself nor pick up a plate. I was so sore and stiff. I lost all upper body mobility.
Within a month, I was also sore in the thighs, hips and buttocks. I could barely move and my husband had to help me get up from a chair, off the sofa and out of bed - all day long. I could barely walk. I couldn’t walk up or down stairs. It was a nightmare. I was like a 90 year old woman.
My doctor couldn’t believe what was happening. She sent me to a rheumatologist.
It’s been a horrible journey for me. So many side effects from different DMARD/ Biologics medications. Apparently my body is extremely sensitive to medications. I never knew this because I never needed any medication up to now.
Thankfully I found a wonderful integrative medicine doctor to help me navigate to where I am today.
It’s taken three years, but I am just now starting to have significantly less pain and see some improvement since taking Low Dose Naltrexone. My mobility has improved and the inflammation has decreased.
I’m Not 100 % by any means - but maybe 80% thanks to LDN.

Like I said… this has been a nightmare. 😱. It ruined my life.
I wish I had never taken that vaccine. Now I know !!
NO more vaccines for me. Ever.

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Replies to "It is interesting to learn that many health-conscious, avid fitness enthusiasts, who are in otherwise perfect..."

I had my first introduction to PMR following an adverse reaction to Shringrix. Getting a vaccination is a personal decision.

I have decided that coming down with the flu and possibly setting off a PMR flare is not worth the risk. I am very careful to get the vaccination when I am off of as many meds as possible, especially steroids; have little on my calendar for a few days following and then get only one vaccination within 30-45 days of each other.

I am due now for a Tetanus vaccination, and I really don't want to get sick if I am scratched with a rusty nail, etc. So, again I will time for low impact. I would much prefer to have it now than wait until an accident and need it immediately. For me it's a matter of me controlling the situation.

When it came to Covid it was clear that I did not want to die from Covid - but I still timed the vaccination to meet my calendar. Plus, I stayed there for well over 30 minutes for the first Covid shot.

For me it comes down to my health and timing. I am more proactive than reactive. To each their own decision.

Autoimmune conditions can certainly be brought on by vaccinations of various kinds, and I have also refused vaccinations since getting PMR. The adjuvant ingredient in vaccines that is there to increase the immune response to the vaccine is usually the culprit.

I have no intention of taking a vaccine which includes an adjuvant to stimulate an immune response, while fighting to reduce the over-reactive immune response that causes PMR. How can anyone who knows what causes PMR even suggest it? It makes no sense at all.