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Hello! A pertinent topic in Hope to gain insight on corrective action.

Anterior THR left. Surgery ten years ago-great. Last 2 years VERY painful down thigh, Im active, only 60 but have a noticeable limp and I’m not weight bearing a few days each Mos.
My surgeon states the Femoral stem didn’t adhere properly and has adhered to scar tissue, hence now I need a posterior left THR. 2nd surgery in 10 years which I can’t yet see a benefit, nor afford? My Cleveland Clinic surgeon since retired.

Chiropractor discourages surgery and X-ray show my pelvis is clearly tilted. Much physical therapy hasn’t curtailed my pain nor limp, My shoe orthotics have proven unsuccessful for my gait. Last, Im taking a lot of Tylenol w/ Voltarin- in a quandary!

Any suggestion or experiences?


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Replies to "Hello! A pertinent topic in Hope to gain insight on corrective action. Anterior THR left. Surgery..."

I'm sorry to hear you are suffering - I can relate because my implants had to be redone after on 5 years - and I ended up with 3 surgeries and a lot of PT to get it right.

Yes, I do have a suggestion, actually a couple of them.

First, as to pelvic tilt, a huge percentage of the population has this - 75% of women, 85% of men. Treating pelvic tilt may or may not be successful, and may not be the source of your pain.

Second, no amount of PT, massage or other external measures is going to fix the problem you have - that the femoral stem is adhered to the wrong tissue. I do not know if there are other risks associated with it not being adhered to the femur - that is a question for an experience remedial orthopedic surgeon.

Third, when an implanted hip "goes bad", you need an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in revisions and remediation to evaluate the problem, to determine whether waiting is going to make the issue worse, and to perform the corrective surgery. Then you need orthopedic rehab PT (not typical hip replacement PT) to get your gait corrected after years of limping.

I understand your frustration, but maybe a consult can explain all of your risks and options. If the loose implant damages the femur, it is possible there could be ongoing damage that will make later revision more difficult.

And, from your screen name, it sounds like you might be a dancer - wouldn't it be nice to get on the floor again?