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@foreverfaithful0925 and @sam44 |

Welcome to Connect, it is caring helpful support group. Most members in this group have been where you are, I call it the "What Now?" stage. I joined Mayo Connect in 2019 when I was in your position. Just diagnoses and trying to make sense of everything that was happening.

The beginning part of treatment is the scariest because there is so much unknown. Sounds like they have caught it early so there will be choices in treatment plan. It can become overwhelming. With GOOGLE we all going looking for info, I would wait till see provider and have more info. There is a balance between being informed and so much information your anxiety gets out of control.

I would let provider discuss what is next and then ask any questions you have.
Bring someone with you helps, there is so much information, another set of ears help.
Once you leave office, you will have more questions, ask who you should contact with follow up questions.

Initial questions I would ask before making any treatment decisions::
- Do I need an MRI (if you have not had one) or other additional testing. MRI will show more than mammogram, especially if have dense breast.
- Ask about genetic testing. Genetic testing for breast cancer looks for DNA changes that increase the risk of breast cancer. The results of genetic testing could influence your decision on type of treatment.

On cancer.org there is long list of questions you can pick from. If let provider explain everything first, they should cover many of these items.

If not comfortable with what your provider is telling you, you can always seek a 2nd opinion before making any decisions.

When are your next appointments to discuss treatment? There is not much you can do between now and your next appointment, so enjoy the weekend if you can.

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Replies to "@foreverfaithful0925 and @sam44 | Welcome to Connect, it is caring helpful support group. Most members in..."

Thank you Laurie. I will read the article you recommended. The next phone appointment I have is on the 31st with the Dr, then June 3rd with the surgeon.

I have 2 young kids, 12 and 7. I told my husband it would probably been easier for me if we don’t have kids. I have not told them yet, I am going to wait until I learn more within the next few appointments so that I can explain it better to them.

Thank you so much for this response. Waiting was the hard part. Now that I know I've put it in God's hands and am peaceful. Your suggestions and advice are very helpful.