Has anyone reversed fatty liver?

Posted by bettersleep68 @bettersleep68, Sep 12, 2023

Has anyone reversed fatty liver ???

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Do you drink alcohol beverages?

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I am a light to moderate drinker. I only drink red wine, no beer or spirits.


I just had testingresults at Mayo last week that suggested fatty liver. I am extremely active: workout everyday or play golf (and have done for 45 of 65 years of life). I am underweight. So losing weight and exercise can't be the answer to reverse it, at least for some. Mine may be hereditary? Would like to hear if others have similar condition and what can be done to reverse or at least stall it.

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How did they diagnose fatty liver? I didn't know that there was a test. What kind of test was it?


How did they diagnose fatty liver? I didn't know that there was a test. What kind of test was it?

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Endoscopic ultrasound. I don’t know exactly how they know, but somehow it shows up. Texture of the liver was mentioned. There was diffuse abnormal echotexture in the visualized portion of the liver. This was characterized by a hyperechoic appearance, suggestive of steatosis.


I am not a candidate for the weight loss surgery...it seems that someone should be able to reverse fatty liver by another means...rather it is exercise or diet or supplements...just wanted to know if it is even possible to do that..I have no markers for fatty liver....hereditary is the reason

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@bettersleep68 have you been diagnosed with fatty liver disease, or do you want to prevent it because it runs in the family? Just asking because if you just want to prevent getting it, I believe you need to keep your cholesterol levels in check. Also, I hear certain medications actually trigger fatty liver and need to be avoided.


Yes I have fatty liver ...no markers so it is hereditary..just dont want it to.progress ..no medication can help ...I do eat healthy and exercise...thank you for the information


I just went into full remission from Non Hodgkins, Mesenteric Cancer, Mesenteric Mass - all with Mesentery Panniculitis, which is fueled by Fat Stranding. There is NONE evident after a year of a solid diet that cut out sugars a ton of carbs and most fats unless they were omegas with rare aminos we need, my food became medicine. I can't believe I'm in full remission, I had the PET on 9/11 and appt 9/13. I signed up for this board to get support but have never asked, now I'm here to give it! Your diet, your food, is imperative to watch. Reversing fatty liver is just like reversing fat stranding, if it's starved of the fat it can't accumulate.


Yes I have fatty liver ...no markers so it is hereditary..just dont want it to.progress ..no medication can help ...I do eat healthy and exercise...thank you for the information

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@bettersleep68 you are right - no medication can help. If anything, medication for something else can progress fatty liver disease too.

I have psoriasis and finally found a medication - Methotrexate - that worked, after six months, to clear my skin. It was all good for about two or three years, but because of history of fatty liver disease I could not continue on it. Once I stopped taking the Methotrexate, my psoriasis is back and no other medication so far has worked.

Fatty liver and medications that have to be taken for other conditions create a vicious circle. Take a medication, it advances fatty liver; stop medication, the condition for which you take it comes back. 🫤


I just went into full remission from Non Hodgkins, Mesenteric Cancer, Mesenteric Mass - all with Mesentery Panniculitis, which is fueled by Fat Stranding. There is NONE evident after a year of a solid diet that cut out sugars a ton of carbs and most fats unless they were omegas with rare aminos we need, my food became medicine. I can't believe I'm in full remission, I had the PET on 9/11 and appt 9/13. I signed up for this board to get support but have never asked, now I'm here to give it! Your diet, your food, is imperative to watch. Reversing fatty liver is just like reversing fat stranding, if it's starved of the fat it can't accumulate.

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@mikerob what is fat stranding?


I am currently using the following link in order to see where I stand on having a healthy weight for my fatty liver. There is link is from the “Mayo Clinic Diet” which is “weight calculator” for guidance and it is free. You can search for link with those keywords.

I have been able to lose +/- about 30 pounds and it has helped significantly.

Consistency is key, it is important to start, do workouts in which you feel comfortable and try to increase the time or intensity when your body allows it. *We don’t gain weight overnight, neither we lose it overnight, but with consistency you’ll notice the progress. Be safe and hope my personal experience and comments are helpful and beneficial.

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Good Morning Everyone,
I was unable to find my most recent NAFLD update so I apologize for repeating my history.
20 yr patient with SOD (Sphincter of Oddi disfunction), after failed stenting in biliary duct, during ERCP, perforation of duodenum, infecting gall bladder after this procedure, emergency surgery to remove gallbladder. Fast forward 20 years this past November 2023 started experiencing severe right upper abdominal cramping under rt ribs, traveling to upper back pain above kidneys. ER visit, CAT Scan, MRCP, ultrasound, elevated liver and pancreatic enzymes, referred to Gastroenterology, Endoscopy and Colonoscopy. (Do you think I covered all the bases) Then the Dr. ordered a FIBROSCAN. Low and behold, Stage 3 NAFLD Steatosis of the liver, FO Stage 0 of Fibrosis Stage. I do not drink alcohol, I am 67 years old not obese or overweight. I was told to watch my diet, no fats, no white bread, lose 20 pounds. I have high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, I now take a 5 mg Rosuvastatin 3 days a week, and am on 2 blood pressure meds, Amlodipine 5 mg and Valsartan 40 mg.
After 5 months All Blood work is normal. Lost 10 pounds, and follow "A Guide on What to Eat with NAFLD" from a free online diet manual from Baylor Medicine. (Google free download).
Medicare would not cover a Dietician because did not have diabetes. No worries this free guide was Excellent. The gastroenterologist will do another Fibroscan in a year.
Okay everyone brace yourself here is what I have learned on my own. I am a Wife, Mom and a Grandma. I had to find out what caused this. Here it goes:
I read everything I could find on Gall Bladder illness: Here are several excerpts regarding the Gall Bladder: Cholecystectomy (Removal of the Gall Bladder4) is thought to effect surrounding tissues due to changes in bile flow, bile exposure, endocrine and metabolic levels in chronic liver disease (CLD) such as Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease NAFLD and cirrhosis is the primary cause of Liver Cancer. After Gall Bladder removal Bile duct injury most feared complication of cholecystectomy. Lab tests indication of this complication elevated Liver enzymes and 54% of all patients undergoing Gall Bladder removal are at increased risk of NAFLD. Increased liver fat accumulation led to NAFLD and Liver inflammation. The liver works harder if you don't have a gall bladder. Gall Bladder removal increases your risk of liver problems like NAFLD. Symptoms include fatty food intolerance, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, flatulence, indigestion, diarrhea, jaundice and intermittent episodes of abdominal pain, Post-Cholecystectomy Syndrome can manifest years after surgery. Cholecystectomy is shown to be an independent risk factor for the development of NAFLD. You can lead a perfectly normal life without a gall bladder. Your liver will still make enough bile to digest your food, but instead of being stored in the gall bladder it drips continuously into your digestives system. I could go on and just google (What happens after your gall bladder is removed)
I had no control what happened to me 20 years ago. But I know when I am careful what I eat, no alcohol, lose some weight, control my cholesterol and blood pressure I can live a healthy life. Also interesting reading receiving Covid Vaccines could contribute to declining Liver Health. "World Journal of Gastroenterology, NLM National Institutes of Health: 2022 Dec 28, Chronic Liver disease (CLD is characterized by gradual destruction of liver tissue over time and includes liver diseases that are caused by chronic inflammation Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Recent Worldwide dissemination of COVID-19 vaccines have led to an increasing number of reports of several organ-specific immune-related diseases. (NAFLD)
I have received 4 MODERNA Covid Vaccines. Keep searching, asking questions and be your own advocate. Physician alone can not do everything.
Take care everyone

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