← Return to Neuroendocrine Carcinoma with Liver Metastasis

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Hi Carrie! I am do sorry to hear your news and I completely empathize with your situation. I also have stage 4 neuroendocrine cancer which originated in my ilium (small intestines), spread into many lymph nodes, and has now metastasized to my liver. I had been on monthly Octreotide injections for the first 6 months and now with the latest PET scan revealing metastasis to my liver, I will be starting a relatively new treatment to the US called Lutathera which is a radiation treatment that specifically targets these neuroendocrine cancer cells. If you’re interested, please look it up as the results have been very successful especially for the symptoms. My doctor did not do chemo as he said it is generally not effective but I’m sure your doctor had his/her reasons and as we know, every case is different. Please don’t give up, please get a second opinion that specializes in NET cancer, and see what you think about this new treatment. Unfortunately, it is not offered everywhere and we just got it in the US a few years ago. I should start mine next month and I’m excited bc I believe this is our chance to survive:) I don’t know you, but I love you and I’m holding you in my prayers and in my heart❤️

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Replies to "Hi Carrie! I am do sorry to hear your news and I completely empathize with your..."

Hello. My thoughts are with you. My husband has had 3 of 4 lutathera treatments (PRRT) his scans showed reduction after the first two treatments. His last treatment is in June but want you to know he is doing the best that I have seen in the two years of this process. His bloodwork is positive and his energy level is very good. His is also stage 4, but, insulinoma pancreatic origin, NET’s that metastasized to his liver. We are feeling optimistic. My best to you.