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Good morning, bjk3 (@bjk3), Debbie (@dbeshears1), NJ Ed (@njed)

List-Makers, Unite! It gives me a boost to wake up a bunch of kindred spirits.

I will confess, however, that some years ago, I refined my list-making; I was once like so many people and, during a single day, would create a half- or full-dozen “micro” lists: little bits of paper scattered here and there, around my house, on the front seat of my car, jammed in my pockets, inked on the palm of my hand – wherever I’d turned, there’d be another micro list. At day’s end, I’d have all these little reminders of how much I’d NOT gotten done.

I now adhere to what I call Ray’s Principle of One – ONE of each day’s necessary things: one journal (with one good pen attached), one book (whatever I may be currently reading, fiction or nonfiction), one periodical (e.g., the latest New Yorker), one book of poetry (to sustain my spirit; at the moment, it’s the Collected Works of Wendell Berry) – and one SMALL spiral book which houses the day’s micro lists, all side-by-side in one master micro list. (Master micro list? Mmm?)

So again, List-Makers, Unite! Let’s get this day underway. Let’s whip through the day’s lists and look forward to an evening of knowing we’ve gotten everything done. (Or almost everything, anyway.)

Ray (@ray666)

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Replies to "Good morning, bjk3 (@bjk3), Debbie (@dbeshears1), NJ Ed (@njed) List-Makers, Unite! It gives me a boost..."

@bjk3 , @njed , @ray666 My daily routine starts with coffee in bed, checking my electronic gadget stuff, which includes this Mayo Clinic Connect group, watching our mentors and administrators trying to herd us cats. I have my electronic list from yesterday that I change to today’s date, hopefully adding less than I was able to remove as completed the day before. I reorder based on what my body says; today it’s telling me sunshine at the pool. I think it’s important because it’s the only way I’ll be able to keep assessing when the water will be warm enough to get in and do some water exercises 😅😅😅. Have a good day!

Good Afternoon, Ray ~~
I got a chuckle out of your post because it so closely mirrors the way I sometimes handle the making of lists. If "to do" thoughts present themselves like a batch of corn popping in my head, I find I write on whatever piece of paper, Post-It, or periodical, etc. that's close - in hopes of not losing those kernels of plans needing deliberate and undivided attention. After some time passes (and hopefully some of the tasks can be crossed off) it's time to "UNITE those Lists" into one or two Master Lists. (Better for me to put one list for kitchen-type duties on the refrig. and one list for the rest on my desk in the living area). Ahhh, feels like I've decluttered already! ✍️😃

Best to you, Ray! Hope you and your partner have a wonderful, classic R & R holiday weekend, and may all who love Connect find refreshment in whatever special way they choose to observe it.
