← Return to PMR - Decreased prednisone and pain returned

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Thanks. I'm sorta stuck for now bc my rheumatologist is leaving the end of this month and the new practice can't see me until September.

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Replies to "Thanks. I'm sorta stuck for now bc my rheumatologist is leaving the end of this month..."

I would not accept being “stuck” if you are having severe pain. Presuming your pain is PMR, it is probably treatable by some dose of prednisone. I would therefore be getting past whoever at the new rheumy practice is telling you that you cannot be seen until September, or going to my primary care doc. You need to get ahead of their other patients that are NOT in severe pain. It is also possible that 10 mg will have an effect after being on that dose for at least 5 days. Do not be happy with the status quo. Cause some doors to open to help you. Good luck !