← Return to Living with LPSVS (long post-COVID vaccination syndrome)

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I know just how you feel. I see the garden waking up, and the flowers blooming, but instead of enjoying spring, I feel sad. It is all passing me by. I know I should appreciate what I still can, but it’s so hard when you remember how life was before this nightmare.

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Replies to "I know just how you feel. I see the garden waking up, and the flowers blooming,..."

Yes!It is just awful.I know everyone has their opinion,but have you taken another vaccine?I only had the initial Pfizer a year before I got the Hell virus.I have had several specialists say they have had patients improve after another vaccine.I have lost all sensation in the trunk of my body and I know it was brought on by this because no Doctor has seen anything like it.All my MRI's come back clear yet I can barely walk and look like a 100 year old woman.I just know the virus is still hanging out in my body.I know it is a Gamble,but I am thinking about getting another Pfizer.