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Thank you so much for your response and information! & also for your kind words. I have done supplements for vitamins and I personally don’t see any relief of any symptoms. I take Tylenol arthritis occasionally but I was put on ~5000mg of ibuprofen for years in high school rather than finding out what was wrong and it made me have lots of problems during them so I’m very iffy on meds anymore.

I actually did water aerobics for a few months and loved it so I might have to see if there’s anything around here to get back into that!

Doing things to benefit myself is also very hard and rare. I am a single mother to a recently turned 2 year old and I currently work 50 hours a week just to get by. The stress is not helping anything but idk what else to do. I’m medically only released for 10 hours a week but there’s no way I can survive on that and I’m not a likely candidate for disability yet so I’m just trying to get by and do the best to take care of both of us.

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Replies to "Thank you so much for your response and information! & also for your kind words. I..."

I am also a single parent of a 14 year old son with no family and hard to juggle everything when you also have health issues so I can empathize with your situation. Hang in there.

Here are some links:


csec01, Wow! You have a plate full dear lady. I am so sorry.

Sometimes I find that a pharmacist can recommend good advice for vitamins for medical issues. Just a thought.

Have you seen a rheumatologist by chance? Sometimes primary physicians are not very versed in treating fibromyalgia.

I am praying right now for you. Please keep me updated. I care. Blessings & Hugs....