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I did some research currently looking for that “miracle” for the pain I am dealing with having PMR; I was on prednisone for a little over 5 mos.

It weaken my bones, made me dizzy, gained 15 pds, so depressed too. Took myself off by tapering down for nearly two mos.

I tried CBD oil, which at first I thought how wonderful. But, just two weeks into it … it seemed to stop working.

Did more research and found HA, bought a bottle and I am now taking it to see if it will work. Only been 1.5 wks, so giving it time. One pill twice a day.

I also take two 500mg of Tylenol in the morning due to extreme stiffness n pain. 1 more 500mg Tylenol around 4 pm; one more 500mg Tylenol around eight pm with the second pill of HA.

Not pain feee by any means yet, but doable ( hopefully will get better results with a little more time) or till I can find something that doesn’t destroy my liver, bones, eyesight etc, etc. I am aware of side effects from Tylenol. But that is temporary hopefully.

I did something a little different this morning….just took the HA pill to make sure it’s helping without taking the two Tylenol. Fingers crossed.

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Replies to "I did some research currently looking for that “miracle” for the pain I am dealing with..."

What is HA pill?