← Return to 3 1/2 years of chronic pain~ Still looking for solutions~please help

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@nowforyou so sorry to hear of the pain you’re enduring. I relate as I don’t have a diagnosis and also struggle. I understand wanting to know what it is so you can stop throwing darts at what it may be and get the correct treatment. I lean towards PMR or Epstein Barr virus or Ehlers Danlos. There are three phases of the latter, hypermobile, pain and then stiffness. I also wonder if it’s that we have been floxxed with fluorquinolone classes of antibiotics? Such as ciprofloxacin. We may never know.
My niece has Ehlers and it is a hereditary trait and that antibiotic is like an internal bomb to people with that from what I have I have read. The sudden onset for me in 2014 is what trips me out. I went from being in the gym 5 days a week to unable to get off the couch without pain overnight. Am currently getting my medical records to try and see if I was given that med back then. I will be 53 in August if the Lord’s will. So I was 42ish when this started.

Then again it could be from fluoride in our water or toothpaste or the twice a year fluoride treatments I added at the dentist office not knowing it was a neurotoxin? As frustrating as it is we may never know and it may just be a matter of finding what helps with the pain.

I currently take 6000 mg moringa, an aleve one or twice a week, and stretch really good before getting out of bed and try to stay hydrated. Next week I am trying biomagnestism pairing. Yes, I am desperate. I’ve done the massage, acupuncture, PT, trigger point, hot and cold therapy, psychotherapy, cbd, thc, and a slough of supplements, various exercises, diets, prayer and meditation, you name it. This may just be life for me. Prednisone helps immensely but like you am leery; have only taken a couple one week rounds of it. Don’t want it long term.

Good luck to you! 🤗 hang in there.

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Replies to "@nowforyou so sorry to hear of the pain you’re enduring. I relate as I don’t have..."

Good morning,
Thank you so much for all of the information. So many similar symptoms for sure. Especially being so active and then not being able to get off the couch almost overnight for me.

I will go back in my records and see if I had been on that class of of antibiotic.
It doesn't sound like Ehlers to me and I think I was tested for Epstein-Barr and it was negative.

I'll definitely look into the other things you mentioned as well. Thank you so much for your help and I hope that you can get some answers as well on your journey.

Good luck to you also!
Kate 😊

@kmekate707 I had symptoms and a diagnosis of PMR following one year of pain and visiting multiple doctors. That was March 2020. I refused prednisone therapy for another 3 and a half years and then I had Covid in July 2023. My CRP was above 130 (which is where it was in 2019) and I could no longer stand the pain. I took steroids for 6 months. It has helped. I did have my endocrinologist help oversee my treatment and I let her advise override the rheumatologist.
I did give up refined sugar which I am sure helps but it is impossible to quantify.