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I had cryoablation done in March of this year. It was a 6 cm. spherical shaped mass on the lower lobe of left kidney. They wanted to do a full kidney removal but I asked for a 2nd opinion using cryo. They at first poo-pooed the idea but I finally got the consult and the cryo people said it could be done. The doctor said he had done similar sized tumors before so it was a go. Total procedure took about an hour using 4 probes. There was about 2 hour prep time ( injections etc. ) before and then just local anaethesia. Recovery time was spent lying down and taking short walks. They checked for blood in urine twice and was released 4 hours after the procedure

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Replies to "I had cryoablation done in March of this year. It was a 6 cm. spherical shaped..."

@deebee41, I just read your post in the prostate cancer group. Is kidney cancer a second primary cancer or was the mass related to metastatic prostate cancer? Was cryoablation the only treatment required at the moment?