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New here. Guess i have lung cancer looking at my PET

Lung Cancer | Last Active: Jun 12 1:21pm | Replies (30)

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@julie67 Keep in mind that you are on a lung cancer support group. My youngest brother had multiple nodules monitored for years until the doctors got tired of nothing happening. Believe me, if your doctors become convinced you have lung cancer, you'll know it because things will happen very fast. I call it "The Whirlwind".

But I was diagnosed 6 years ago, and I'm still here, working full-time, walking daily, exercising, gardening, etc.. For the most part, I can't even tell that I have cancer, and most people I meet, including my neighbors, are shocked to learn that I have Stage 4 lung cancer.

I'm originally from the Midwest. I've always said that a characteristic of people from the Midwest is that we don't worry about stuff that hasn't happened.

It does sound like you have a lot on your plate. Depending on where you live, some lawn maintenance companies, churches, and other organizations will come to take care of your lawn. Look around. This is the time to ask for favors from friends, relatives, neighbors, or anyone you know. Our neighbor lives alone and started freaking out that she couldn't keep up with her house. My wife isn't working right now, so she takes our neighbor to her doctor appointments, cleans her house, does her laundry, cooks some meals for her, and sometimes, just hangs out with her. Everyone needs help sometimes, and most people are nice.

If you don't have anyone to help you with the clutter, start with one small corner of one room and straighten that up without moving the stuff somewhere else. There, you've accomplished something. Then, go to the next small section.

I'm very sorry to hear about your mother. That's always hard. This is the time to be gentle with yourself.

What do you call two monkeys sharing an Amazon account?

Why are teddy bears never hungry?
Because they're always stuffed.

Hang in there. You're stronger than you think. Keep letting us know how you're doing. Wishing you all the best.

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Replies to "@julie67 Keep in mind that you are on a lung cancer support group. My youngest brother..."

Thank you. That is the really bad part. I have nobody. Absolutely nobody. No friends, neighbors to help, family left. I had to sign up for a volunteer site where people come and help with home repairs. Still waiting. I had part of my kitchen floor cave in where I can see the basment now and a ceiling fall in with mold all over the floor. Just seems so hopeless even before Friday. Just deflated and haven't left bed. I live in Southern Indiana.

Stage 4 for 6 years? That is hopeful. I don't know what that means as I am new of course. Head is just spinning. I am going to call my doc in the morning and ask to be seen/sent to someone before my appt on the 29th. Can't even keep food down I am so stressed.