How to find background info on surgeons for RP

Posted by shep247 @shep247, May 17, 2024

Finally met with my urologist today and got my biopsy results after three weeks. Out of 13 samples taken during the biopsy, two came back with Gleason 3+3 and two had 4+3. He said I am T1.
We discussed options and I am strongly considering laparoscopic prostatectomy this summer which he said he has performed for the past 12 years.
I am 59 and in good health other than PC. I will still meet with a radiation oncologist, but I am doubtful I will pursue that route given I've heard that once you've had radiation treatment (and hormone therapy), you can't have a prostatectomy after that.

Anyway, I will be getting another opinion at a cancer treatment center in Denver but I am trying to find out how to locate info on how many surgeries a doctor has performed like this and how to learn about other patient's experiences? I am not finding anything locally with regards to PC support groups for Colorado Springs so not sure how to learn more about the surgeon's success rate and how many surgeries they have under their belt.

Any suggestions would be welcome. Thank you for all the support and feedback since I joined! This forum has been a light along a bewildering trail.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.

After my Urologist made a recommendation of radiation or removal, I researched the types of treatment and side effects. The risks for me were too high for side effects with removal even though I knew radiation first was limiting surgical options. Too many stories of heavy side effects, with removal, at least for me.

I researched the specific radiation machines for the best in limiting exposure of healthy tissue and which machines used the lowest margins (2 mm vs 3-5 mm around the whole prostate). I picked the Mridian Linac and then located the hospitals that had that specific machine. Then I looked at the educational backgrounds of each doctor looking for center of excellence training that had the machine. I called, where I could without a consultation, to ask a few questions. Then I had a consult with five radiation oncologists and evaluated their answers based on first, coming to this site,, phone calls with patients (voluntary patients where available), emails or discussions with the Mridian company at the time, Viewray, videos with, the space oar web site (which had doctor expertise levels) and centers of excellence web sites. Given quality of life and limiting healthy tissue exposure, as a goal, and convenience and the personality/education of the radiation oncologist as well, I made my decision. I ended up with someone that encouraged questions and let me drill down, had the expertise in performing the procedure with the Mridian machine and was geographically convenient for both my wife and myself.


72 years old. Healthy and fit by all appearances. So much for appearances...

Presented with PSA 15.1 and inability to empty bladder. (Became symptomatic late October 2023)

MRI showed wide spread prostate lesions with extra prostatic activity to include seminal vessels. NOT OPERABLE
Prostate biopsy 4+3, 4+4, 4+5. Cystoscopy showed no lesions in the bladder.
PSMA showed metastasis to left iliac and right femur, and ALSO both lungs as confirmed by pulmonary biopsies.

i opted for orchiectomy with reconstruction. 95% of my testosterone production permanently stopped in 90 minutes (including securing implants and closing incissions). Radical detectable testosterone drop occurred 12 to 48 hrs after surgery.
Bonus! 3 days after surgery my urine flow improved a bunch and 5 weeks post surgery almost back to normal.

i start chemo tomorrow!

This is my triple therapy:
ADT (orchiectomy performed 4-17-2024)
PSA rose from 15.1 prior to biopsy to 26.6 two weeks after biopsy.

Chemo- Docetaxel (start 5-21-2024) 6 treatments. Once every 3 weeks for 18 weeks.
PSA down to 4.4 (5-16-2024).

ASI- Abiraterone/prednisone starting soon. (coming from Rochester, Mn.)
i asked to have my testosterone checked again before starting Abi.

Love these answered prayers and love the entire Mayo staff!!!

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