Pirads 3, going for PSMA PET scan instead of biopsy

Posted by dan15 @dan15, May 16, 2024

I recently had a prostate 3T Multiparametric MRI at Mayo Clinic, the result is Pyrads 3. After looking at several videos on the Prostate Cancer Research Institute youtube channel, I concluded that going for a PSMA PET scan will be more accurate and less risky than a biopsy.
Unfortunately, Mayo does not yet offer PSMA PET scan unless you already have prostate cancer.
Any suggestions for a large Medical Center that offers PSMA PET scan for people that were never diagnosed with prostate cancer, and also offers transperineal biopsy in case I need it? If you have a good urologist at that Centre feel free to also mention it.

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I just throw this one in there...When I did have my PSMA PET scan, my insurance denied it originally, I negotiated a cash price prior to making my appointment. That price significantly less than the charge they would post for the cost of the scan. Just something to think about if you have to go "out of pocket" for it.
Ultimately the insurance did pay...


I insisted on a PET 5 yrs ago before surgery to see if there was any spread BEFORE going under the knife. Why bother if it had - just go right to radiation and hormones, right?
Ins co said ‘no way’ so I paid about $8K for Axumin - which was the only game in town. It was negative but meant nothing since I am now facing recurrence after the surgery.
IMO, get the transperineal biopsy (Only!!) and then take it from there. Even PSMA is not foolproof!

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What type of PC you have?
Accionar Adenocarcinoma
Did you do genetic test of the tumor?
I will have a PSMA next week
before surgery


What type of PC you have?
Accionar Adenocarcinoma
Did you do genetic test of the tumor?
I will have a PSMA next week
before surgery

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Adeno - had AXUMEN Pet. No testing was done either at biopsy or surgical path. But current DR at Sloan told me recently that negative PSMA really does not change treatment.
If PSA is .2 or above after surgery it is assumed you have recurrent PCa and radiation and ADT is started regardless of negative PSMA.
The chance of missing malignant cells and having metastasis is simply too great to just rely on the scan

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