← Return to CA 27-29 numbers rising: Does anyone else have an issue like this?

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Hi all - circling back on what is a thread that started in 2019 about rising tumor markers & morphed slightly about good diet, exercise & staying on top on things. It just popped back into my feed by a “like” & it reminded me that it is all still relevant. And stories change.

In July 2024 I will be 5 years in with Stage 4 breast cancer & yes now Stage 4 Mallarian (reproductive) cancer that we did not know I had until a growing brain tumor presented itself in early January 2024. Pathology identified it. Brain surgery in January, and radiation in February did their jobs.
The reproductive cancer was likely nipped when I did chemo back in mid 2021 for my breast cancer return. It just didn’t/couldn’t get this little offshoot that went to the brain & slowly grew. Physical problems presented themselves - not bloodwork - & scans confirmed. Breast cancer now turned down, malarian percolating in the special Natera/Signatera DNA disease test & in PET, not physically nor other bloodwork. And yes I have since gone skiing & did a 10 mile hike today.
My docs want me to be a person with cancer that is a small “c” - I am living with it. My “chronic” condition. We don’t react when monthly numbers change. Time of day, bad draws, diet, moon phase, really anything - can impact. We look for trends. We look at scans. We look at me. And how I am living my life. And then we react. I help myself & give them the best patient I can be through tracking my numbers, eating well, exercising, working & spending quality time with my family & friends. Who knows what will come but new treatments & sites like this give me hope! Good luck!

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Replies to "Hi all - circling back on what is a thread that started in 2019 about rising..."

That is so encouraging and I admire your spirit. Keep on living your life, sister.

Keep on truckin’! Inspirational and thank you for sharing.