← Return to DISH (diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis) or Forestier's

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Worth reading if you have DISH.
Whilst we are all similar we physiologically are very different, so that which works for me may not for you.
I have found great relief from most DISH impacts, pain and mobility, whilst I'm not completely back to normal I have had a huge possitive result.
Firstly, diet, eat nothing absolutely nothing processed, no cereal, bread, packaged foods of any variety, bar a few listed later on.
If you truly wish relief and normality back in your life. Stop eating processed foods and substitute foods and oils.
I tried many "healthy" diets no experience spared on Natural foods supplements etc etc absolutely no help.
You need to eat as a Carnivore,high protein Beef from a reputable source, ie: conventional grass fed not meal fed. Eggs, Broccoli, Cabbage raw vegetables, or steamed and drink the water, don't tip that out. Butter, Coconut oil, Apple cider vinegar.
Exercise like a 30 year old, just start slow by progress rapidly, push hard protein and exercise.

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Replies to "Worth reading if you have DISH. Whilst we are all similar we physiologically are very different,..."

Hi Mitchell. I thank you for posting. I looked over most of your items that you seem to be able to eat. Some of those things I have trouble eating. But I’ve also had my gallbladder removed. I love eggs, but they don’t love me, but I do eat them occasionally and find that if I boil them That I can actually eat the eggs that way. Usually, I end up taking the yellow out and just eat the white protein.
You are right. We are all different and what we can handle. I seem to do better with a higher fiber diet. I keep the pain at bay with getting some injections, Just had knee injections and doing better there.
But I think you’re right in trying to eat as naturally as you can.
Continue doing what you’re doing because it sounds like it’s working for you. Unfortunately, I have had G.I. issues my whole life. So some things just don’t work for me . I wish everybody good luck and maybe some of you can incorporate what Mitchell said and it’ll work well for you. 🙏