I have a 5.7 cm renal cyst on my left kidney. Worrisome?

Posted by oleander55 @oleander55, May 14 12:11am

A CT scan revealed that I have a 5.7 cm sized renal cyst on my left kidney that is causing discomfort. Doctor says they are common in people over 50 and does not require follow up. Should I have any concerns?

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These are very common. Mine is not causing any symptoms. I have had two ultrasounds in the last 10 years with no progression. Your doctor may allow you
a follow up for your peace of mind. My urologist has
finally put my mind at ease. It doesn’t hurt to ask so
that they are aware of your concern.


@oleander55 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect!

According to the National Institute on Health, people over 50 do have increased chances for a renal cyst. You don't mention what discomfort you are experiencing. For me, I also have had several cysts. Regular ultrasounds to watch them has helped monitor so there is less worry about progression into something else. A good urologist will make sure there is no sign of cancer or turning from a simple cyst to something that needs to be dealt with immediately.

For your peace of mind, and documentation, perhaps a second opinion will be in order? What do you think?


I have had annual checkups with urology at Mayo in Phx, and each time a CT scan is done. A few years ago a small cyst? was observed and I was told he would watch it for the next few years. Eventually it grew enough to be dealt with, though he said if he did surgery, it was so small it would be hard to find. Instead, to get ahold of any future issues, he had an interventional radiologist perform cryoablation under anesthesia, in a very interesting day surgery. Since this was done, no more evidence of cysts or cancer.


Thank you, Chuck. Mine is approx. the size of an egg and it is uncomfortable to say the least, manageable for the time being. Good to know they can do something if it becomes more enlarged.
Thank you for your response.


These are very common. Mine is not causing any symptoms. I have had two ultrasounds in the last 10 years with no progression. Your doctor may allow you
a follow up for your peace of mind. My urologist has
finally put my mind at ease. It doesn’t hurt to ask so
that they are aware of your concern.

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Thank you!


@oleander55 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect!

According to the National Institute on Health, people over 50 do have increased chances for a renal cyst. You don't mention what discomfort you are experiencing. For me, I also have had several cysts. Regular ultrasounds to watch them has helped monitor so there is less worry about progression into something else. A good urologist will make sure there is no sign of cancer or turning from a simple cyst to something that needs to be dealt with immediately.

For your peace of mind, and documentation, perhaps a second opinion will be in order? What do you think?

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Thank you for your comments. Much appreciated!


Thank you, Chuck. Mine is approx. the size of an egg and it is uncomfortable to say the least, manageable for the time being. Good to know they can do something if it becomes more enlarged.
Thank you for your response.

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Mine started out when first discovered was sized as 0.5 mm, then 10 mm then 20 mm over three years...much smaller than an "egg"

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