gastroparesis and help treatment

Posted by leelou03 @leelou03, Mar 18, 2024

I'm getting tested for gastroparesis, I had a test in 2018 but was never told I was borderline on my stomach not emptying. I've had stomach problems a long time , GERD, reflux, bloating, can't eat much and my constant cough. Some digestive problems can cause chronic cough. So it's the "rule out this game" now. Next stop my pulmonologist.

Have a great day and any information is welcomed

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I have gastroparesis for the last 10 year's complicated with malabsorption and chronic nausea. I am on a feeding tube into my small intestine and pump fed and flushed for 18 hours a day. It is not a kind disease. Some people can have it not as bad and still eat 5 small meals a day. I honestly hope you don't have it because it never goes away and seems to get worse as the years go by. I hope they can find a curable problem that you are having. Love and prayers ❤️ 🙏 ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️

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What are your symptoms? I was diagnosed over 15 years ago. I have problems with nausea, vomiting, and I can go for days without eating. It’s one of the major signs of neuropathy.


What are your symptoms? I was diagnosed over 15 years ago. I have problems with nausea, vomiting, and I can go for days without eating. It’s one of the major signs of neuropathy.

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I started losing alot of weight and nausea and vomiting 🤢 24/7. I have severe malabsorption and malnutrition. I do also have 2 types of neuropathy. I have been on a feeding tube and pump fed into my intestines for the last ten year's. I have many gastric problems and chronic pancreatitis. They all seem to be getting worse every year. I have bile reflux that has damaged my esophagus and I have barrett's esophagus. Now I also have Olgivie Syndrome that temporarily paralyzes my colon,intestines and bowels. They are trying medication but I am still struggling badly.


The cough could be laryngopharyngeal reflux, LRP, which developed because of other issues. See if this information can provide you relief for part of your problems: So sorry you are going through all this.

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I have this cough at. Night so it has to do with digestive problems which I have.


Diagnosed after ten years on tramadol. Given reglan which helps but is not a long term med. Calmed my symptoms down. I take intermittently when I have flares. Also on a low fiber diet.

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