Light Headedness and Dizziness related to foot neuropathy

Posted by bamba @bamba, May 11, 2024

I was diagnosed with neuropathy in my feet 3 years ago. I do not have diabetes. I have some burning and mild occasional pain in my feet. I do have ongoing and worsening dizziness especially when moving around or standing in one place. My neurologist says this is from my neuropathy. I don’t know anyone else with neuropathy who has this problem. I’ve had a few different physical therapy treatments that haven’t helped. Anyone else experience this?

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Could I ask which motion sickness pill you take?

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There OTC at Costco / a very reasonable price. Also simple exercises that help with balance are well worth the time.


Thank you. This is very helpful.


Thanks for the reply but I take no medication.


Are you taking Gabapetin for the neurothy? It causes all of that

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No, not on any meds at this time.

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