← Return to Hesitant to begin drug treatment for my osteoporosis

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Yes!!!!!!!!!!!! My osteoporosis is worse than yours!!!!!!!!!!!I have the worse case of osteoporosis that my doctor has ever seen!!!! And I was just diagnosed with it, and that is how it was presented to me!!!!! Talk about shock and devastation...My spine T-score is -5.6, so you should feel better about your condition. The thing is my doctor is not hearing me when I say I can't take prescription drugs and my system is very sensitive and I am very petite.....I have been sent to the ER many times for far less dangerous drugs than those for osteoporosis. I am 73 years old but have never had a fracture of any kind.... so should I worry since I am going against medical advice??? Going with the recommended pharmaceuticals for osteoporosis would be suicide for me especially in light of the serious possible, but very likely for me, side effects? I have no choice but, to go the natural therapy way to deal with it. On another note, I question the DEXA scan reading as there have been questions related to DEXA scan and petite woman. As we have less bone in the first place but are my bones are compared to someone who weighs and is much bigger than us petites?

Good luck with which way you decide to go with treatment!

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Replies to "artiste181, Yes!!!!!!!!!!!! My osteoporosis is worse than yours!!!!!!!!!!!I have the worse case of osteoporosis that my..."

Oh my that does seem like a bad dexa scan number. May I ask what your height and weight is? I am 4 11 and weigh 125. I also question my numbers because of being petite but doctors don't agree.

Oh my, I can certainly commiserate with your concerns. I too am very thin, have been all my life. I am also someone who seems to have side effects from most drugs. Even naproxens make me nauseous so i am so fearful of much stronger prescription drugs. I wish you the best as you explore non drug choices..

Are you taking a vitamin K2 supplement? K2 is supposed to pull calcium out of the blood vessels and into the bone.

As far as food sources, natto, is a fermented soybean food is known to have the highest amount of it. My understanding is that it is a food of Japanese origin.

I use both the supplement and the food source of K2. The supplement I take is 100mcgs. Articles state 100-300mcgs is recommended. I try to get at least the minimum with the supplement and then get the rest from natto - 2 teaspoons of the natto each day.

Windyshores (thank you Windy ;)) also explained that magnesium (another helpful/needed supplement) may be better to take approximately 2 hours before or after you take your calcium. Some research indicates that magnesium and calcium compete for absorption in the intestines. So I do that, I space my magnesium and take it separately from my calcium.

I do, however, take D3 with my calcium since D3, unlike magnesium, HELPs with intestinal absorption of calcium.

If you peruse my posts, I think I shared some links that explains this and includes other things pertaining to zinc, hydrolyzed collagen (I eat the cartilage off the end of chicken bones but too, there are powdered forms and bone broth of course), boron, copper (not so focused on the copper since I believe I get trace amounts of that in my diet.

And there are forms of exercise, HOWEVER, for your score, what works for me, I would not recommend the same exercises to others because of our different T scores

My scores are -2.8/-2.7 on my hips. 2.5 spine. I am 65, 5'6" weigh 110 and just diagnosed this spring 2024. This surprised me because I always thought I was so healthy. Well, I only walk, lift light weights, garden and putz around in the yard. I don't run anymore. I did up until my 40s. Just 1-3 miles at most 2-3 days a week back then. My knee is a problem.

I do upper body weight lifting but the highest weight 10 pounds for bicep curl and overhead. The rest are 5, 7 and 8 pound weights. So I keep it light and if it hurts, I back off to 1, 2 and 3 pound weights. Not taking chances.

I have currently worked to include others and bought a waist weighted belt that goes up to 10 pounds but am only doing 2-3 pounds and wearing the belt around the house, when I do errands - any time I am upright/walking. Even when washing dishes or doing housework.

I also wear it while taking my 30 minute daily walks. I am a little more focused on my hip bone density at the moment but I may buy a weighted vest.

I wish you the best.