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Do you fit this paradigm?

Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 | Last Active: May 14 10:03am | Replies (78)

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Same here. So many tests. So many docs. 2 years of symptoms. Now taking LDN. May be giving some relief. Some days better than others. Good luck to everyone suffering. I too took good care of myself- walked 5-6 miles every day and had so much energy. The last time I felt that way was March 26, 2022. One day they’ll have the tests to detect what is wrong with us. Hugs

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Replies to "Same here. So many tests. So many docs. 2 years of symptoms. Now taking LDN. May..."

I am so sorry you are going through this as well.That is what makes me mad is that we took care of ourselves and this happened to us.If it was not a lab made virus our bodies would have been able to fight it off.I knew there waa something wrong right away when I could not swallow.The Doctors tried antibiotics,antifungal and antiparasite.Nothing worked.Covid attacks the vagus nerve which controls swallowing and a bunch of other things in the body.Than the rest of my body got attacked.I used to walk 8 miles a day on the biketrail and it got to the point where my trunk of my body got so weak I could not walk anymore,lift a window or hold a purse.I can kind of walk again,but it is not normal at all.It looks like some kind of muscular dystrophy.It is so weird.It is basically like the signals between my muscles and nerves dissapeared.I was reading that long covid clinics are using mestinon which is the same medication to treat Myasthenia Gravis.I was checked for Myasthenia Gravis because I have trouble walking,slow talking,chewing and swallowing,but my tests was negative.Long Covid mimics alot or neurological diseases.