← Return to First peripheral neuropathy … and now a sepsis infection? $%*&#@

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Welcome back Ray! @ray666. I thought it was only me that was like that cartoon character standing on the sidewalk looking around with a large dark cloud following him. Picture that and a long arm with a hand reaching down as if to provide you with that proverbial thump upside the head. You have really been through the wringer my friend and I am happy to see you back with us.

There are a few sepsis related discussions and comments that you may want to scan through - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/search/discussions/?search=sepsis%20infections

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Replies to "Welcome back Ray! @ray666. I thought it was only me that was like that cartoon character..."

Thank you, John! It's good to be back, though I can't say how often I'll post. Sepsis has really wiped me out. I've zero energy for anything. I have caught myself recently saying to friends that these sepsis symptoms are far more wasting than my PN symptoms. I love your dark cloud analogy! The morning we had to phone 9-1-1, I really did feel like I'd been thumped over the head. 🙂 – Ray