← Return to crown is making saliva thick and dried. Feels like peeling.

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Well, I discovered what happened to the post. I got out for spellcheck and lost it. I was able to get your's back. Let me do this again. I have been to my rheumatologist, ENT, a periodontist, doctor, my mom's doctor, and have a second opinion scheduled with another rheumatologist. My rheumatologist listened to me and let me cry. She said she could treat the symptom but was suspect of the tooth. She also did a follow up with me about 3 weeks later. When I went to my doctor, looking in my mouth scared her to death. She put me on a lot of medicines, that didn't help. I hadn't seen my ENT for years. He helped me before with something unrelated. He checked everything and really couldn't offer me anything. He even checked my hearing...He is one of the very best in Arkansas. I went to a periodontist that my dentist recommended. He stated that the crown should be 3 mm (I think) from my other teeth. He stated that one side looked good but said nothing about the other side. I know it is sitting right up against the other tooth. The original dentist, I have called many times. I have even gone by there, and he's an hour from me. He denies it is the tooth. His receptionist says that he's been doing this since 1972, and his dad did it before that. She says that I can pay an office visit for him to tell me the same. He is a Christian man, and I really like him. He just hasn't ever encountered this before evidently. I know that my mouth peeled the first time I had a temporary crown 10 years ago. It stopped when I got the real crown. I was sure that I had told him that back then. I peeled with the temp this time too. I thought it would stop again, but it got much worse. So I am out of ideas. My husband and I discussed coming to Minnesota to Mayo. We have radio stations in Arkansas. I have about 100 people that count on me, not including my family. It's impossible to get away for an extended time. About ten days is all I have, and that has to be well planned out. I am just at my wits end. Yesterday was a very bad day. Today has been a little better. If everyday was like yesterday, I couldn't make it. The former dentist gave me hope. Hope is something I haven't had for some time. I got my temporary crown, and this started at the end of February. From the point of reference of my health, that seems like an eternity ago. It did state "former dentist" as the lady that responded to me. I certainly hope you can find her for me. I would like to chat with her. I want to make a copy of her message to me. She was very specific with her instructions. She talked with assertiveness. I was so happy to find someone who knew what I was talking about. I really appreciate you too for getting back with me. I hope I have answered all your questions. If you have more, just ask. Oh, and the crown set up against my cheek. I can feel it all the time. That is also where my saliva glands are....I think. If one set of the saliva glands runs across the cheek on the inside, then those are swollen. The one against the crown has a sore on it....

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Replies to "Well, I discovered what happened to the post. I got out for spellcheck and lost it...."

@lucybunyard You mentioned going to Mayo Clinic but also said that so many people depend on you. Here is a link to the Mayo Clinic network. The network includes many hospitals that follow the same protocols as Mayo and have access to their doctors. Why not call one that is nearer than Mayo and explain your problem and see if you can get an appointment.
Has anyone given you antibiotics?