← Return to Tightness and swelling under arm after double mastectomy

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Hi, I am also experienced breast surgery and experience similar scar tissue and tightness under the arm. Most advantageous to see been treated by an occupational/physical therapist who will teach you the many excercise which will help.
DEfiniately massage is a must. IT stimulates the whole area. I actually felt tingling after massage which was a good thing. I used castor oil and after therapist worked on me she would place a warn wool pad which had been soaked in Castor oil. Read up on Castor oil and uses. There are many benefits. Lastly the best reccomendation and postion I was taught to do was to sleep in a recliner tilted back/ I was instructed to purchase two stainless steel poles on each side of my recliner .( they are used to give patient IV DRIP medication or Blood). THey must be very secure to the floor so they do not tilt over. Therapist had me straighten my arm and postion them straight up toward the left and right side of my head. Both arms were secure to look this this.
| | with my head between, totally straight up. According to therapist. THis procedure helps to drain fluid that often builds up after a masectomy or lymph node removal. I questioned this procedure as I had never hear of such practice used by anyone before.
You have to know your body and how much it can tolerate. I build up the time from 30 minutes up to a couple of hours. I would take a rest and if the swelling had gone down even just a bit it helped a great deal. Over several weeks. the swelling went down. There is no formula set in stone on how long you should have hour arms in the upright position. IT was up to me ,, At one point I even slept over night and only speaking for myself. I was okay. Nothing happened beside the swelling or water puffiness decreased. This is just a suggestion.... ask you doctor if they would approve before you do such a procedure. My doctors said it was okay and non invasive. Every patient is different so this is why it's important to ask. your doctor first. For myself it made the world of difference as I also had 9 positive lymph nodes removed. Best of luck

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Replies to "Hi, I am also experienced breast surgery and experience similar scar tissue and tightness under the..."

Thanks for the detailed response. I will start seeing an occupational therapist next week. I had two lump nodes on each side removed for lymph node biopsy. Will see how it works and share my results later.

Thank you for this interesting info! So far I do not have lymphedema, which is a surprise since I had 29 nodes removed! What I do have is scar tissue across my rib cage now, so stiffness and numbness there. I do exercise the arm and massage the area. Maybe I’ll just have to accept the scarring, then. I wondered if others of us are living with this sensation. Thanks again!