Quad Muscle not getting stronger......

Posted by cindymattern @cindymattern, May 4, 2024

So I am 17 months from a total knee replacement....no vein issues, genicular nerve block showed no nerve issues and the bone scan showed no inflammation inside the joint or bone. However I have pain below the knee to the to of the knee, pain behind the knee (no baker's cyst) so the new Dr. recommended me wearing a Med Spec Gripper Hinged Knee brace for 6 weeks followed by leg raises, sit to stands, riding bike. step up/down, etc... and doing exercises to strengthen the quad muscle. He feel that I need to do more to strengthen the quad muscle as well as the muscles around the knee and the pain will stop. The brace is so that I can do them without it hurting so bad that I don't want to exercise them. Has anyone had issues with their muscles taking so long to get strong? I walk lots and am doing everything I did prior to surgery, 122 ROM and flexion is good....I just get so sore and stiff by the end of the day I could take stock in Ben Gay lol. Can't take Nsaids but do take vitamins. Would love to hear anyone else's experience.

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I actually was using this machine when in PT quite a bit...now just doing short arc lifts with the roller under my leg, full leg extensions on the bed as well as raising and lowering like you said I also am riding the bike and pulling my foot back toward by but and things are actually loosening up quite a bit. The hinged knee brace helps tremendously as it doens't let my leg extend to far while supporting the side of the leg with the hinges on either side. I"m looking forward to seeing how I progress in a few more weeks on my own with the recommendations of the second surgeon's suggestions.

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Hey Cindy I'm glad to hear you are biking - I'm assuming it's a stationary bike. In my first year of recovery, I rode a recumbent bike at a fairly low RPM for 30 minutes, 4 or 5 times/week. I also did a fair amount of resistance training - mostly squats and quad sets to strengthen those leg muscles, and a lot of stretching and core exercises.

With a solid recovery underway, I've graduated to spin classes and am doing less resistance training. My leg muscles are in good shape and now I'm focusing on cardio. I dropped from 190 lbs to 165 since last August, all visceral (torso) fat. I can actually see my abs and obliques! I use a heart rate monitor on my Apple Watch.

Anyway keep up the good work. Persistence pays off with joint replacement. All the best to you.



I too have quad muscle problems. My Muscles don’t want to stretch. Told me that after they stretch them, they go back to try to protect the area. I am having some success with water walking. I also get a lot Of muscle spasms during the night and sometimes during the day when my legs are elevated, they feel better when they are down.

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I have a hamstring muscle that I can't get a good stretch no matter what I do. My PT coach told me to continue stretch but don't force it just go as far as you can gently then hold that stretch for 10 to 20 seconds. Also make sure you are getting enough protein. You need protein to build muscle fibers. If there isn't enough muscle you can't stretch any farther


I have a hamstring muscle that I can't get a good stretch no matter what I do. My PT coach told me to continue stretch but don't force it just go as far as you can gently then hold that stretch for 10 to 20 seconds. Also make sure you are getting enough protein. You need protein to build muscle fibers. If there isn't enough muscle you can't stretch any farther

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Hi Sabrina,

I don't know how you stretch your hamstring. The best way I know is to use a long resistance band (not a strap or towel, something that will "give"), lie on your back. Place the resistance band under the ball of your foot and extend your leg straight up, with the knee locked. Hold in place for a count of 60. Pull gently on the strap to go farther into the stretch, as your body allows.

It is very important to have the knee locked. If it isn't and the knee is bent, even slightly, the quads are activated and the hamstrings are relaxed.

I see people at the gym making this mistake frequently. Now if you can't straighten the knee using this technique, another way is to stand up straight with feet ideally together and knees locked. Slowly bend down as far as you can go until you feel resistance and, keeping the knees locked, hold the position for a count of 30-60. Slowly stand up and repeat 2 or 3 more times.

Another variation on this is to cross your feet and bend down, knees locked. This will stretch the ITB primarily, and the hamstrings will also get a stretch.

I hope this helps. Stretching is unexciting but absolutely necessary.

All the best to you. Joe


I was experiencing serious problems with stiffness and tightness ( very little pain) after my TKR on 2/28/24. An x-ray was done during my post surgery check up 5 weeks later. The doctor said that things were looking good and I should just continue with therapy.
However , my feelings of extreme discomfort from tightness and stiffness in the knee did not improve ( sometimes I felt as if I was going crazy) . I asked the surgeon to do some additional imaging (MRI, CATSCAN, etc.) to eliminate soft tissue issues. I was hoping that the additional imaging would help the psychological aspects of my healing by excluding any surgical problems.
He asked me to come in but did not recommend the additional imaging. I was seen and the PA asked me to walk and then decided that I needed to do a MUA .
It was done on 5/1/24. I did an EKG and bloodwork. No imaging was done prior to the MUA and the surgeon made numerous notes on my treatment plan saying " NO XRAY " My understanding is that a CAT SCAN or MRI ( I defer to the experts) not necessarily an x-ray would have been the most appropriate imaging, but he did not prescribe any of them. The entire imaging for the TKR and MUA surgeries consisted of 1 set of x-rays prior to the TKR in February and another set for the post surgery visit.
Things have improved a little, but I am still experiencing a lot of stiffness and tightness .My main concern is that I still do not know what is happening inside my knee that is causing these issues. Scar tissue build up ?Sure? But what is contributing or could have led to it ?
The surgeon did not explain his rationale. If it was insurance issues, I was willing to deal with it
but the discussion was never held.
Question :"Is it normal for a surgeon to proceed with an operation without having an inner map of the body part to more clearly determine what needs to be done ?"How did he know how to perform the MCU effectively without seeing inside the knee prior to doing it ? Don't I have the right to participate in the decisions that are made regarding my treatment ?
I would be extremely grateful if someone could help me to understand the doctor's unwillingness to take additional pictures. Thanks.


I was experiencing serious problems with stiffness and tightness ( very little pain) after my TKR on 2/28/24. An x-ray was done during my post surgery check up 5 weeks later. The doctor said that things were looking good and I should just continue with therapy.
However , my feelings of extreme discomfort from tightness and stiffness in the knee did not improve ( sometimes I felt as if I was going crazy) . I asked the surgeon to do some additional imaging (MRI, CATSCAN, etc.) to eliminate soft tissue issues. I was hoping that the additional imaging would help the psychological aspects of my healing by excluding any surgical problems.
He asked me to come in but did not recommend the additional imaging. I was seen and the PA asked me to walk and then decided that I needed to do a MUA .
It was done on 5/1/24. I did an EKG and bloodwork. No imaging was done prior to the MUA and the surgeon made numerous notes on my treatment plan saying " NO XRAY " My understanding is that a CAT SCAN or MRI ( I defer to the experts) not necessarily an x-ray would have been the most appropriate imaging, but he did not prescribe any of them. The entire imaging for the TKR and MUA surgeries consisted of 1 set of x-rays prior to the TKR in February and another set for the post surgery visit.
Things have improved a little, but I am still experiencing a lot of stiffness and tightness .My main concern is that I still do not know what is happening inside my knee that is causing these issues. Scar tissue build up ?Sure? But what is contributing or could have led to it ?
The surgeon did not explain his rationale. If it was insurance issues, I was willing to deal with it
but the discussion was never held.
Question :"Is it normal for a surgeon to proceed with an operation without having an inner map of the body part to more clearly determine what needs to be done ?"How did he know how to perform the MCU effectively without seeing inside the knee prior to doing it ? Don't I have the right to participate in the decisions that are made regarding my treatment ?
I would be extremely grateful if someone could help me to understand the doctor's unwillingness to take additional pictures. Thanks.

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Were you able to attain a good range of motion post surgery during pt?


Were you able to attain a good range of motion post surgery during pt?

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ROM not an issue at all....it's 122


ROM not an issue at all....it's 122

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Sorry...you weren't ' asking my comment above. In Reply to Jferraon611 can you ask for a different opinion from someone. I did that and he is trying to help me get where I need to be with the soreness and stiffness. Prior though genicular nerve block (no nerve issue), went to vascular so no vein issue and the second Dr. had me to a bone scan. No inflammation in the joint so it's all muscular. I go back in 6 weeks after wearing a brace part of the day and doing more exercise and I'm being faithful to do it more.


Were you able to attain a good range of motion post surgery during pt?

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No. I was bouncing around in the high 90's and 10 below.

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