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Regarding medications, it's basically a risk benefit calculation as all medications have risks. Perhaps you could take a short term (2-4 week) PPI to see if it makes a difference in your cough/sputum. People who can go off a PPI are those who eliminate all triggers and pay close attention to eating alkaline food. In other words, they eliminate acidic foods. I am not that person. That is some serious time and work to figure out. Plus I have a husband to feed!

COPD includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Bronchiectasis is not considered COPD, nor is asthma. My understanding is that one is considered to have COPD if the FEV₁ / FVC ratio is less than 70. Many people's spirometry changes throughout the year, sometimes improved sometimes worse, so take the ratio of 70 with a grain of salt and have a discussion with your doctor.

Do you know about the Bronchiectasis Toolkit? It was created in Australia! Maybe you could contact them for info on doctors who treat bronchiectasis and MAC. There's also NTM.org to check out.

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Replies to "Regarding medications, it's basically a risk benefit calculation as all medications have risks. Perhaps you could..."

Thank you...some helpful information there.

I have heard of the toolkit and would have looked at it some time ago. I am pretty proactive and since finding LM,
I guess I have pretty much relied on that till recently. Yes, I have heard of the NTM org and have joined the online NTM AUS NZ Facebook group.

Thank you so much for your response.