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You do not need to water taper, or anything else. And stay away from the benzo websites. Too much drama on these sites. The vast majority of people on these sites have much more wrong with them than Benzo dependence. Stop now and you’ll be okay. I took Xanax for 25 years at 3 mgs. per day and had no need to water taper. Too much silliness very about this very complicated water tapering on these various benzo groups. I can’t believe that no one knows that Benzos come in a liquid that can be used for tapering purposes if necessary. 8 day users are very successful with just stopping. Please don’t get yourself all wrapped up in this. You’ll only make yourself crazy. Just stop and move on.

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Replies to "You do not need to water taper, or anything else. And stay away from the benzo..."

I have been on xanx for 13 years. It started off slowly and noe i am tah 1.5 mg/day
In ready to get off the
Any help is appreciated