Why am I so tired?

Posted by Donna @stimey60, May 7, 2024

It's been 9 moes since surgery and chemo.
I did go to PT, but really did not get much from it
I started going to the gym, at first very weak. Now I'm walking 2 miles on the treadmill. Lifting weights. I thought I was getting stronger.
I was just outside planting flowers and I could not get up! My husband had to help me stand up! For Pete's sake.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Lung Cancer Support Group.

It took over a year after 28 days of chemo and radiation before I really felt normal again after beating esophageal cancer. Do you get enough sleep?


I had two rounds of chemo. That's not much.
I'm glad to hear you beat cancer good for you
Yeah I sleep well


You wrote before about comparing treatments to a house fire. That strongly applied here. I know you lost some volume with the surgery and that contributes a bit. Although the lungs do expand to compensate. Remember too, lung cells do not regenerate. The areas of cancer that radiation and chemo destroyed are scar tissue so you have lost more tissue than you realize.

My resting heartbeat is slightly higher now that treatment has ended, that means my heart has to work a little harder, which leads to my developing fatigue easier. I wonder if that applies to your situation as well


@stimey60, it's so hard to be patient with recovery. You just want to be able to do things you always did and the things you love. The tone in your message was clear. You don't want to have to ask for help to get up. Right?

I remember a while back @merpreb wrote about going to a lung rehab program. Read more here:
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Has anyone else taken a program like this?
I hope you also saw @denzie's helpful post.

Donna, Has pulmonary rehabilitation been mentioned to you? How are you doing with pacing yourself to manage the fatigue?


You know there was not much offered to me unless I asked, which I have had a hard time dealing with, but that's another story.
No I have had no problem with breathing, well not since the month after surgery.
I'm going back in acouple of weeks. I'll ask then getting a new provider which might help.
But thanks for further info.

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