← Return to Post-op Laminectomy. Week 2. This recovery is hard. Should it be?

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I had my Laminectomy on 4/19/24. I was discharged on 4/21/24. After coming home I realized I had a UTI - obviously from the foley catheter used during surgery. I am currently on my 2nd Antibiotic to try and clear up this urinary tract infection which is making my life miserable. I still have back pain and I also have (R) leg pain, from the buttock to the ankle. This is similar to the Sciatic pain I had prior to surgery which caused the surgery to have to be done in the first place. I have not slept, the UTI has kept me up all night for over a week. I also came home with constipation. I have not really taken the Oxycodone for pain as I don't want to add to the constipation at home. So, all in all, right now I am feeling totally miserable with everything going on .

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Replies to "I had my Laminectomy on 4/19/24. I was discharged on 4/21/24. After coming home I realized..."

I had a lot of leg pain after a laminectomy at L1/L2. much worse than before the surgery. Surgeon told me ahead of time about 20 percent have that reaction with the lateral approach he took because he had to go near the ganglion area. i had been on 60mgs of hydrocodone per day that didn't touch the pain. Doc ordered 900mg per day of Gabapentin and it knocked the pain out completely after about a few days. No problem at all after that.

Glad you updated with the UTI diagnosis as I was thinking those symptoms would not be results of a lam/micro. With my first L5/S1 surgery I had relief from the sciatica immediately. Sorry you did not get those same results. If your doc would prescribe gabapentin that should help your nerve pain and make you sleepy. Stool softeners combined with a laxative should help ease the constipation caused by pain meds. Walking should help. Doc should have given you the no BLT instructions- no bending, lifting or twisting.
Best to you.

@denman55 time is the best thing on your side for healing. Regarding your pain, UTI and constipation. You’ll need the pain meds as you begin PT soon. Take the meds before you begin PT each day so you’re ahead of the pain. Fluids should work wonders for you constipation and your UTI. With the antibiotics onboard and increased fluid you should beat the UTI. You’ll need to develop an anti-constipation diet. I increased my fluids and fiber via fruit to deal with this issue early on.