Radical Prostatectomy By Robotic Surgery: What can I expect?

Posted by oskarpr @oskarpr, Mar 28, 2024

I am looking into RP using robotic surgery
Want to get an idea of Where is the best place to go and best surgeon.
And if anyone can provide their own experience choosing this treatment.
Recover time
Side effects
Day to day living experience after.
Will appreciate any comments.

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Age 72 Gleason 9 had RP. Excellent surgical result and recovery.
I chose a Center of Excellence; Johns Hopkins. And a COE would be my recommendation. Others have had very good results with their local, very experienced Urological Surgeons.
Feel free to reach out for more information. Glad to share.
Best wishes.

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Hello: can you share the name of your surgeon? I live in the Maryland area.


Hello: Thank you for this information. We are in the Maryland area, close to Johns Hopkins. Can you share your surgeon’s name?

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Misop Han. MD
Totally recommend Dr Han.
Feel free to contact me.


Choose a medical center that is classified " center of excellence". Find out how many prostatectomies the surgeon does each year. We traveled to Mayo Rochester from AZ, choosing a surgeon who does robotic assisted prostatectomy again and again .... its his specialty. My husband saw Dr. Matt Tollefson and we could not be more pleased with the outcome. Agree with others, kegals are so important. We trusted the care team, our wonderful support network of family/friends and left it in God's hands. Still do, nearly 1 year post surgery.
Best of luck to you as you start this journey!

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My husband is considering a doctor in Jacksonville Florida for surgery and we live in Maryland. Can you share the logistics of your travel? Did you fly? How long did you stay? Wasn’t it uncomfortable travelling with a catheter? Did you travel back to get your catheter taken out or any follow-up visits?


I had an RP last November. My urologist, who doesn’t do RP, suggested I get two opinions. She said the most Important factor to consider is that you feel confident and comfortable with your surgeon. Mine had done over 1000. He was very knowledgeable and made me feel at ease. He emphasized the need to do Kegels(I did them religiously). The day of the surgery the nurse shaved my “area”. When I went in for surgery I was asleep in about five minutes. Less than two hours later(my surgery went faster because I have minimal body fat) I woke up in pain but that was eliminated minutes later. I spent the night in the hospital, my first night with a catheter. They had me take short walks around the hospital. Next morning, I was checked and sent home. I wore a catheter for nine days. It was not uncomfortable. I was also told that my pathology report indicated a higher risk of cancer than the biopsy had shown so,I was glad I got it removed. The toughest thing for me was being put on diet requirements until the catheter was removed. I had ZERO incontinence issues and continued to do two sets of Kegels every hour I was awake. My first two PSA blood tests, one in January and another in April, were both < 0.01. I pray this continues in the future. Overall, I was happy with my decision.I hope this helps. Best of luck with your decision!🙏


I had RP April of 2023 at age 69. My PSA has been < 0.01, undetectable since. I meet with my doctor May 13 and get my 3-month PSA test. I pray that it continues undetectable also. The days with catheter were uncomfortable but surgery was successful and I'm glad about my decision to go with RP. I have zero incontinence issues. I do believe Kegels are important.


I had robot radical prostectmy 6 years ago. Was up and walking within 6 hours(I am a below the knee amp from an accident) Cathetor for about 2 weeks. had 0 psa until 18 months ago and it is gradually increasing now at 2.6 Only side effects is ED trimix helps


I had single pole robotic to remove my prostate two months ago my recovery was good and after seven weeks my PSA was undetectable hoping that my PSA will stay undetectable..I have no urine leakage at all..


I had the infamous Da Vinci robotic prostatectomy surgery on 14 March 2014.

My surgeon was extremely skilled and experienced.

I spent the night in the hospital, wife stayed with me, daughters were allowed to visit. The usual nurses checking and charting everything, surgeon stopped by to check on me, give me a brief synopsis of what he saw. I had pain management while in the hospital.

The next day I was discharged, given instructions about the catheter, when to call the office, go to the ER...

First day or two at home I lived on the sofa in the hearth room. After that, upstairs to the master bedroom.

Catheter was a minor annoyance, no pain though I was sent home with medication of needed.

A week later I met with my surgeon, he went over the pathology report, we discussed ramping up exercise and travel, the nurse took out the catheter, no leakage, I did resume most activities but was limited in some areas, nothing involving normal weightlifting, bike riding.

Like some who have posted, I was physically fit going into the surgery, and while not lean and mean, I was not obese either. Those helped in recovery.



I had the infamous Da Vinci robotic prostatectomy surgery on 14 March 2014.

My surgeon was extremely skilled and experienced.

I spent the night in the hospital, wife stayed with me, daughters were allowed to visit. The usual nurses checking and charting everything, surgeon stopped by to check on me, give me a brief synopsis of what he saw. I had pain management while in the hospital.

The next day I was discharged, given instructions about the catheter, when to call the office, go to the ER...

First day or two at home I lived on the sofa in the hearth room. After that, upstairs to the master bedroom.

Catheter was a minor annoyance, no pain though I was sent home with medication of needed.

A week later I met with my surgeon, he went over the pathology report, we discussed ramping up exercise and travel, the nurse took out the catheter, no leakage, I did resume most activities but was limited in some areas, nothing involving normal weightlifting, bike riding.

Like some who have posted, I was physically fit going into the surgery, and while not lean and mean, I was not obese either. Those helped in recovery.


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One other comment, mine was nerve sparing, took about 12 months for erections to reasonably return, I used daily Cialis.

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