Work restrictions post SCS implant.

Posted by oldfusion @oldfusion, May 4, 2024

Hello all, first post for me. I am being offered a Nevro SCS implant and it's being inferred so far that post the implant surgery, hard physical work should be avoided, no welding and not to be near strong electrical or magnetic fields. Working in geophysics for mineral exploration this is unfortunately what I am exposed to each day. I should add that I have not yet spoken to a Nevro rep only the information nurse at the pain clinic. Has anyone here any insight to these possible restrictions.

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Have you seen the lawsuit regarding pain stimulators? I have one and get minimal relief


I'd like to invite @24swart, @genomacc, and @bunnybear to this discussion as they have all discussed the Nevro implant to varying degrees of success on Mayo Clinic Connect. They may be able to also share their experiences with the restrictions you have once you have the Nevro placed.

@oldfusion - If you don't mind sharing, what led to your chronic pain and consideration of trying a spinal cord stimulator? It sounds like you have valid concerns in regards to your work, but have not had a chance to talk with a rep or your provider about those concerns yet. Is this something you have the ability to schedule to learn more?


Hello Justin, L5-S1 fusion back in 1986 and constant pain since. It's rarely debilitating but it is constant. Surgeon now says it's arthritic and no real certainty of relief by surgery as he cant define an exact spot in the spine. My work is and has always been hard physical work and too old to change professions now. Was hoping for some degree of pain relief but the restrictions if valid are a deal breaker. I work with both high voltage and current and strong magnetic fields, that's what we induce to get results. Waiting for a call from the Nevro rep.


I'd like to invite @24swart, @genomacc, and @bunnybear to this discussion as they have all discussed the Nevro implant to varying degrees of success on Mayo Clinic Connect. They may be able to also share their experiences with the restrictions you have once you have the Nevro placed.

@oldfusion - If you don't mind sharing, what led to your chronic pain and consideration of trying a spinal cord stimulator? It sounds like you have valid concerns in regards to your work, but have not had a chance to talk with a rep or your provider about those concerns yet. Is this something you have the ability to schedule to learn more?

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I got the Nevro after everything else failed to control my pain except opioids and my doctor won’t prescribe those anyway. I find it means a continual working with the techs to get the most pain relief. I know it works b/c I turned it off once and my pain really surged. I take Cymbalta and Gabapentin (Lyrica in past) and I believe each relieves my pain about a third. I am very happy with this approach to relieving my excruciating pain when I needed to sit. The doctor says this comes from my back and tailbone.

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