What supplies did you have ready for urinary incontinence after RP?

Posted by themurfs @themurfs, Apr 26, 2024

Can anyone help with what type of UI supplies my husband may need in the days, weeks following his RP surgery? Best options/brands, what exactly is needed and how many, etc. Not the most exciting topic but I would like to help him be prepared. Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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I agree with the posters to not stock up on supplies. I had my RP in November and had ZERO incontinence issues. I attribute it to doing Kegels religiously and having an experienced surgeon( he’s done over 1000). I did buy both slip in pads and underwear. I wore the underwear for a couple of days as a precaution and a couple times I wore a pad. If I would have had a problem, I definitely would wear the underwear. Best of luck!


Start kegals.
Get PT

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He already started and is seeing a pt! Thanks!


He already started and is seeing a pt! Thanks!

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I never saw a PT. My surgeon showed me how to do them and that’s all that was needed.


He already started and is seeing a pt! Thanks!

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I wore Depends for about 4 weeks post RP and was fine after that. I'm now 26 months post op and all is working as anticipated. Good luck!


I wore Depends for about 4 weeks post RP and was fine after that. I'm now 26 months post op and all is working as anticipated. Good luck!

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Such a great outcome! Thank you for sharing. It is my prayer my husband will be equally as fortunate!


Such a great outcome! Thank you for sharing. It is my prayer my husband will be equally as fortunate!

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Thoughts and prayers with you two! I've been through nine joint surgeries over the years and it is fair to say nothing matched how tired I was the first week or so after the RP surgery. That paired with the emotions of a somewhat challenging recovery, with varied potential outcomes, can take its toll and simply put there is nothing more important than focusing on doing what it takes to remain on this side of the dirt. The good fight is the only fight...


Incontinence issues are correlated to age, skill of surgeon, extent of disease and preparation and how much work the patient is willing to put in post surgery. I had RP in 2021. Here is my experience and suggestions:

Buy book on Amazon buy Vanita Gaglani "Life After Prostatectomy....." This is a very detailed discussion and specific plan to achieve continence after surgery written by a very experienced pelvic floor PT specialist

He will have a catheter in for 7-10 after surgery. Immediately after removal he will be incontinent for a variable period of time. You will want to take an adult diaper (Depends) for him to wear leaving the urologists office. How long he wears a diaper will depend on the factors I listed above.

I found that the brand Tena was the best incontinence pads on the market. They are made for men. They range in size depending on the degree of incontinence. I currently wear the extra light which is a small pad in the underwear for occasional squirts and leaks. Three packs of 14 pads per pack is about $20 on Amazon. The other sizes of Tena pads are also available on Amazon.

You want enough pads available so he doesn't run out but don't overstock. I gained continence at each stage faster than I thought and had excess pads. I donated them to my urologist's office.

I would put a pad underneath the bed linens in the beginning in case there is an accident while sleeping.

Good luck!

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