Constant bloating post gallbladder removal

Posted by golfdope @golfdope, Mar 25, 2024

Constant bloating post gallbladder removal.Had my gallbladder removed in December 2023 and have experienced constant bloating since. I have had a CAT scan and ultrasound and endoscopy done all of which turned up negative. I have taken Omeprazole simethicone famotidine.None of them have had any positive impact. thoughts.?

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Thank you so much for this explanation. It’s very helpful. Do you know if HCl supplements are warranted and or effective? Thank you again

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Before resorting to HCL supplements which would be better answered by seeing a GI specialist because of side effects in using them, there are some simple tips that can be tried. Apple cider vinegar which can be added to a salad is highly acidic.

Reduce processed foods and change eating habits to a healthier diet. A Registered Dietitian, particularly one connected to a GI cancers department is very knowledgable and can provide menus and nutritional guidance is using less processed foods.

Drink less liquids during a meal. I remember a child being lectured by my Father to consume less liquids during the meal and save the larger amounts between meals. He never explained why but as I grew older and had courses in physiology, it started to become clear that there was a scientific basis behind what he was saying. Stomach acid plays a role in pre-digestion of protein before it moves into the intestine where the protease enzyme then completes the digestion. Drinking a large volume of liquid during the meal dilutes the stomach acid. The pancreas produces three main digestive enzymes-amylase to digest starches, lipase to digest fat and protease to finish the digestion of meat that was acted on by HCl in the stomach. Large volumes of liquids during the meal will dilute the enzymes and their activity. So it is better to limit liquids to an amount where you are comfortable in helping to swallow food and avoid the feeling of a parched throat.

If stress is an issue, try to manage it with doing about 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise such as walking.


Before resorting to HCL supplements which would be better answered by seeing a GI specialist because of side effects in using them, there are some simple tips that can be tried. Apple cider vinegar which can be added to a salad is highly acidic.

Reduce processed foods and change eating habits to a healthier diet. A Registered Dietitian, particularly one connected to a GI cancers department is very knowledgable and can provide menus and nutritional guidance is using less processed foods.

Drink less liquids during a meal. I remember a child being lectured by my Father to consume less liquids during the meal and save the larger amounts between meals. He never explained why but as I grew older and had courses in physiology, it started to become clear that there was a scientific basis behind what he was saying. Stomach acid plays a role in pre-digestion of protein before it moves into the intestine where the protease enzyme then completes the digestion. Drinking a large volume of liquid during the meal dilutes the stomach acid. The pancreas produces three main digestive enzymes-amylase to digest starches, lipase to digest fat and protease to finish the digestion of meat that was acted on by HCl in the stomach. Large volumes of liquids during the meal will dilute the enzymes and their activity. So it is better to limit liquids to an amount where you are comfortable in helping to swallow food and avoid the feeling of a parched throat.

If stress is an issue, try to manage it with doing about 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise such as walking.

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Thank you again for your suggestions. I will discuss with my gastric dr in early April. I do walk a few miles each day that provides some relief.


Perhaps your GI doc will order a breath test for SIBO. I didn’t have problems with fat digestion or bile reflux issues for several years after gallbladder removal. I’ve also had testing for EPI and now diagnosed with that. Diet is a huge factor but there are also medications to try also. Best of luck on your health journey.


Perhaps your GI doc will order a breath test for SIBO. I didn’t have problems with fat digestion or bile reflux issues for several years after gallbladder removal. I’ve also had testing for EPI and now diagnosed with that. Diet is a huge factor but there are also medications to try also. Best of luck on your health journey.

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Thank you for ur response. How are they treating your EPI ?


For EPI, I’m just about to start on a medication called Creon to be used when eating. It’s basically a replacement of the digestive enzymes I’m lacking. In the meantime, I’ve really reduced the amount of fats eaten.


I am so grateful to find this group. I am 3 weeks post surgery and although my energy has finally returned I am having excessive gas pains and now constipation. I’ve really been watching my diet but yesterday tried eggs and hollandaise sauce and have been in pain ever since. I’ve not experienced the diarrhea I’ve read about. I have lost weight (which is a plus) but am so confused as to what is safe to eat. Any suggestions that work? One person suggested Beano, so I will give that a try.


I am so grateful to find this group. I am 3 weeks post surgery and although my energy has finally returned I am having excessive gas pains and now constipation. I’ve really been watching my diet but yesterday tried eggs and hollandaise sauce and have been in pain ever since. I’ve not experienced the diarrhea I’ve read about. I have lost weight (which is a plus) but am so confused as to what is safe to eat. Any suggestions that work? One person suggested Beano, so I will give that a try.

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I am now five months into the bloating I cannot tell you what works, but I will tell you what I have taken that doesn’t work for me. Both of which were prescribed by my doctor. One is famotidine the other omeprazole I feel your pain and much much luck to you


I am so grateful to find this group. I am 3 weeks post surgery and although my energy has finally returned I am having excessive gas pains and now constipation. I’ve really been watching my diet but yesterday tried eggs and hollandaise sauce and have been in pain ever since. I’ve not experienced the diarrhea I’ve read about. I have lost weight (which is a plus) but am so confused as to what is safe to eat. Any suggestions that work? One person suggested Beano, so I will give that a try.

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Hello @doverspike and welcome to Mayo Connect. I'm sorry to hear about your digestive issues post-gallbladder surgery. Have you discussed any of these symptoms with your doctor? As it has just been three weeks since your surgery, it may take more time to heal.

Many times, keeping a food journal will help you find out what foods trigger symptoms. Perhaps the ingredients in the hollandaise sauce might be a trigger for you. Perhaps the fat content in the sauce is a problem?

Keep posting and sharing your experiences.


Hello @doverspike and welcome to Mayo Connect. I'm sorry to hear about your digestive issues post-gallbladder surgery. Have you discussed any of these symptoms with your doctor? As it has just been three weeks since your surgery, it may take more time to heal.

Many times, keeping a food journal will help you find out what foods trigger symptoms. Perhaps the ingredients in the hollandaise sauce might be a trigger for you. Perhaps the fat content in the sauce is a problem?

Keep posting and sharing your experiences.

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Yes I do have another follow-up appointment on June 4 to talk about ways to navigate this. And I think you are right, that hollandaise was so delicious but way too aggressive for my stomach. Ugh. Back to boring for a while.

I soo appreciate finding this group! It’s very encouraging to hear of others struggles and successes. Gives me hope!!!


I am now five months into the bloating I cannot tell you what works, but I will tell you what I have taken that doesn’t work for me. Both of which were prescribed by my doctor. One is famotidine the other omeprazole I feel your pain and much much luck to you

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I’m going to try Beano (someone had suggested it) before I eat to see if that helps!

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