Quad Muscle not getting stronger......

Posted by cindymattern @cindymattern, May 4, 2024

So I am 17 months from a total knee replacement....no vein issues, genicular nerve block showed no nerve issues and the bone scan showed no inflammation inside the joint or bone. However I have pain below the knee to the to of the knee, pain behind the knee (no baker's cyst) so the new Dr. recommended me wearing a Med Spec Gripper Hinged Knee brace for 6 weeks followed by leg raises, sit to stands, riding bike. step up/down, etc... and doing exercises to strengthen the quad muscle. He feel that I need to do more to strengthen the quad muscle as well as the muscles around the knee and the pain will stop. The brace is so that I can do them without it hurting so bad that I don't want to exercise them. Has anyone had issues with their muscles taking so long to get strong? I walk lots and am doing everything I did prior to surgery, 122 ROM and flexion is good....I just get so sore and stiff by the end of the day I could take stock in Ben Gay lol. Can't take Nsaids but do take vitamins. Would love to hear anyone else's experience.

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Have you checked your potassium levels?


How old are you?

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I am 62 however no issues prior to surgery and was extremely active...walking, aquafit classes and Zumba.


Have you checked your potassium levels?

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They have not however B12, D are all up there. I do take a Centrum Plus, extra B12, C, fish oil and currently taking 50,000 D12 because my D tends to always be low for some reason. PT has told me about my quad muscle for some time and now the Dr. has confirmed that he feels it's my quad.


So sorry to hear this.
Im 2 months out and I am having a difficult time strengthening my quad.
I do all the exercises.
Ex. When I do leg raises I get clicking in my hip, not getting the strength from my quad.


They have not however B12, D are all up there. I do take a Centrum Plus, extra B12, C, fish oil and currently taking 50,000 D12 because my D tends to always be low for some reason. PT has told me about my quad muscle for some time and now the Dr. has confirmed that he feels it's my quad.

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Have problems with my quads not developing post back surgery


So sorry to hear this.
Im 2 months out and I am having a difficult time strengthening my quad.
I do all the exercises.
Ex. When I do leg raises I get clicking in my hip, not getting the strength from my quad.

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Have you been evaluated by a PT to determine whether you are doing squats or wall squats correctly to challenge your quads? When muscles are weak, we often unknowingly "recruit" other muscles to accomplish an exercise which doesn't help strengthen the intended ones.


Have you been evaluated by a PT to determine whether you are doing squats or wall squats correctly to challenge your quads? When muscles are weak, we often unknowingly "recruit" other muscles to accomplish an exercise which doesn't help strengthen the intended ones.

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Thanks I’ll check with my PT


Do you do squats?

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i do not as my left knee is bad

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