Is Dr. Gundry and "leaky gut" a scam?

Posted by millerdust @millerdust, Apr 21, 2023

I want to know if Dr. Gundry's program and medicine for "leaky gut" a scam? Lucien

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Sorry about the problems.

For me, I just have to take a lot of things daily. Otherwise, things get backed up and I have a lot of problems.

- have to hydrate well
- have to take Metamucil
- have to take Miralax
- have to take a full glass of prune juice.

If I don't do that daily, I have trouble.

By that I mean, that I would wait until I have problems and only then take things.

But, as a preventative, doing a daily discipline before any problems show? That is what I really needed to do.

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Yes..I understand. Preventative medicine is working for me so far as well...


Well, I have been researching anything that can return my regular BM since my intestinal prolapse surgery in October and now I am becoming more than a little concerned. I also read Dr Gundry's excerpts from his book and I think he sounds like he just wants money from people. Not an expert as he calls himself. I don't know what to use anymore because nothing is really working.. Doctors have prescribe the Miralax, Lactulose, Bisacodyl, Phillips Milk of Magnesia (yuk) and other over the counter things- such a waste of money .... the list goes on... I was so desperate last week I bought one of those liquid enema apparatus kits.. but I felt it was too dangerous and that I may harm myself even further... my PCP suggested eating 2 Kiwi's Fruits and at least 64 ounces of warm lemon water per day.. Apparently Kiwi's are the new "Prunes" Yoga and different types of twisting exercises sometimes gets things moving a bit, but none of this gives me the relief that is needed to be normal. I am literally full of ___ !! Today I decided I am no longer eating because it is not being eliminated properly. I can't go on this way any longer.. Each doctor seems to be of no help. This is such a condition that is difficult and embarrassing to talk about, even to a gastrologist .. I don't know... I feel something is terrible wrong.. Please, does anyone have any have any other suggestions about what I can do this weekend? Thank you so much for any response 🙁

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Check out a Mrs. Barbra o'neil website. She's well informed about helping people without asking for money and she has a lot of informative youtube videos on women issues, poltices, heart health..."Check her Out!!!" You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Godbless.


When I seriously can't have a bowel movement, I make raisin water. It never fails and does more than just eating raisins which are good too.


Well, I have been researching anything that can return my regular BM since my intestinal prolapse surgery in October and now I am becoming more than a little concerned. I also read Dr Gundry's excerpts from his book and I think he sounds like he just wants money from people. Not an expert as he calls himself. I don't know what to use anymore because nothing is really working.. Doctors have prescribe the Miralax, Lactulose, Bisacodyl, Phillips Milk of Magnesia (yuk) and other over the counter things- such a waste of money .... the list goes on... I was so desperate last week I bought one of those liquid enema apparatus kits.. but I felt it was too dangerous and that I may harm myself even further... my PCP suggested eating 2 Kiwi's Fruits and at least 64 ounces of warm lemon water per day.. Apparently Kiwi's are the new "Prunes" Yoga and different types of twisting exercises sometimes gets things moving a bit, but none of this gives me the relief that is needed to be normal. I am literally full of ___ !! Today I decided I am no longer eating because it is not being eliminated properly. I can't go on this way any longer.. Each doctor seems to be of no help. This is such a condition that is difficult and embarrassing to talk about, even to a gastrologist .. I don't know... I feel something is terrible wrong.. Please, does anyone have any have any other suggestions about what I can do this weekend? Thank you so much for any response 🙁

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I have had issues with going and I also suffer with gout. I tried eating dried tart cherries and drinking tart cherry juice. Both work for me and you need to be careful as too much and it’s going to clear you out like school at the bell. I use some tart cherries in cereal, salads, dipped in chocolate and they all work. The juice I normally drink 3-6 oz wait an hour and try a little more. My choice of juice as I don’t like the ones that taste like prunes is: Indian Summer Montmorency Cherry Juice. I get it at Sam’s club , Walmart or on Amazon. Tart cherries you can get almost anywhere and are similar to raisins but taste much better to me.


I don't know about Dr. Gundry, but I do know that a healthy gut is important concerning the issues you are mentioning. Have you tried probiotics. I take them everyday as they provide good bacteria for gut health. It is true that the supplement should also contain prebiotics. The one I use has 10 strains and 60 million CFU's. Not only am I regular, but I feel really good. I will be 70 next year and I started taking probiotics after being on anti biotics for a while. Antibiotics kill all the bacteria in your gut (good and bad). I did my research and now my gut health is wonderful. It won't hurt for you to start taking probiotics. Check with your doctor. Make sure it has multiple strains and at least 40 to 60 million CFU's (colony forming units). God bless.

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May I ask which probiotics you take?


I am 67 years old. I just had a colonoscopy. The results revealed diverticulitis. I asked the dr if this could be related to the constipation I've been having for the last several years. She said it very well may be related. I was given two antibiotics to address the infection. Currently building back my gut after the antibiotics wiped all the good bacteria out.
-Just another possibility to through in the mix to be considered.


Well, I have been researching anything that can return my regular BM since my intestinal prolapse surgery in October and now I am becoming more than a little concerned. I also read Dr Gundry's excerpts from his book and I think he sounds like he just wants money from people. Not an expert as he calls himself. I don't know what to use anymore because nothing is really working.. Doctors have prescribe the Miralax, Lactulose, Bisacodyl, Phillips Milk of Magnesia (yuk) and other over the counter things- such a waste of money .... the list goes on... I was so desperate last week I bought one of those liquid enema apparatus kits.. but I felt it was too dangerous and that I may harm myself even further... my PCP suggested eating 2 Kiwi's Fruits and at least 64 ounces of warm lemon water per day.. Apparently Kiwi's are the new "Prunes" Yoga and different types of twisting exercises sometimes gets things moving a bit, but none of this gives me the relief that is needed to be normal. I am literally full of ___ !! Today I decided I am no longer eating because it is not being eliminated properly. I can't go on this way any longer.. Each doctor seems to be of no help. This is such a condition that is difficult and embarrassing to talk about, even to a gastrologist .. I don't know... I feel something is terrible wrong.. Please, does anyone have any have any other suggestions about what I can do this weekend? Thank you so much for any response 🙁

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I’ve had the same surgery…. I can’t eat anything high fiber. So lots of meat and veggies and salads. Things are much better this way. Hope you’re coping better now


I don't claim to know anything at all about chemistry, but isn't Dioxide chlorine bleach?
Take care,


I don't know but it wouldn't work for me. Oatmeal in moderation calms my IBS symptoms. Almonds? Most of my research show nuts, including almonds, are a good nutrition source. I have tried to think about every aspect of his recommendations and I finally decided to follow my acupunturist recommendations.


Eating right, moving your body, staying hydrated all help with elimination.
I used to read Dr. Gundry’s posts but I always questioned foods he said not to eat. I quit reading anything from him when he said we should not eat avocados and he started pushing what he sells. Avocados are very healthy - good fats, fiber, lots of nutrients. Google it and see the list. Avocado oil is also good to cook with.

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Hi Gigi...
When reading Dr Gundry's advice I'm quite certain he suggested that we all eat one avocado a day because he feels they are so beneficial. So that's exactly what I've been doing! Sure hope I read that correctly. lol

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