← Return to Lung nodule could be slow growing carcinoid: Watch and wait is scary

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Yes, it is scary. Waiting, making the decision. I have Nets. in both of my lungs. Very small, but did have small growth. I saw a Thoracic Surgeon who said mine our small, but one looks like it might have growth and he issued blood test. To see if there is any hormonal activity since l was suffering with Nets syndrome intensely. He said 6 month to do the CAT scan, if it shows any growth he would remove the one lobe that has baby nodules too.
Oncologist will follow, chemo. does not work on these nodules, radiation i.e. injection to control the Net. Syndrome and to help get my immune system boosted.
I am comfortable with these three, but will see Surgeon at Dana|Mass. General for his opinion on my nodules. My UMASS. pulmonologist had to get radiologist to correct two elements of a lymph node under my arm was not notes lite uptake, along with another nodule in my right upper lung ,small. I told l was mad l had to have a Fellow Doctor and he discovered it. So, second opinion l will go 5/15 Boston.
I was advised walking great, no lifting weights. Doing Yoga relaxes your breathing.

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Replies to "Yes, it is scary. Waiting, making the decision. I have Nets. in both of my lungs...."

I had a very scary Saturday night, with the pain under my shoulder blade radiating through to my chest. I decided to go to ER. a spasm around my back to the front under my ribs. It felt like my liver was in a knot.
After a 3 hour wait, l was examined and as the oncologists Fellow examined that shoulder blade and felt a small bump under the scapelar. I was scheduled for X-Ray on Monday and bloodwork. Saturday they did a xray, then did a CAT. Scan, and there is a lump, maybe lipoma, or my friend nodule. I will be seeing a surgeon Monday, just a biopsy. But this aching under both my shoulder blades have been with me over a year, l always blamed it on my fibromyalgia. Heating pad is helping!