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Zolendronate infusion side effects

Osteoporosis & Bone Health | Last Active: May 4 2:54pm | Replies (9)

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i finished a really difficult side effects year of Evenity and started Reclast. i asked for slow infusion of a half dose, with the intent of doing it twice yearly instead of yearly. i had saline hydration during, used tylenol and zyrtec that day. i am at a little over 2 months since the infusion, and definitely still feel like garbage. major extra fatigue, extra pain, even a bit atypically grouchy, strange pain spikes. so damned depleted energy-wise, more than my usual. odd increases in my typical pain areas. nausea, so i am eating a lot of ginger. for the first 2 weeks, i barely ate. so, i hate it but have no choice. my bones are unbelievably fragile. i have lost 7 inches in my spine. Evenity improved my lumbar region some and made no difference in my hip area which is really super fragile. i am looking at almost 3 more years of Reclast and am sad about it. i feel i have no choice if i want to avoid catastrophic fracture. so, i hibernate more, listen to lots of NPR for intellectual engagement, and i get out into nature when i can catapult myself out. and i eat small meals. i had an increase in my already severe migraines on Evenity, but overall i feel worse on Reclast. i am trying to balance the acid of it by drinking water with baking soda. and aloe juice, each for alkalizing my chemistry. maybe it wont help but i definitely am a “light a candle instead of cursing the darkness” type of being. i developed osteoporosis in my 40’s after thyroid removal and a bad choice of replacement hormone that my dr insisted was good for me, which i took for 6 horrid suicidally anxious months. a Harvard trained female endocrinologist in Cambridge MA. could i have hoped for a better doctor ? i didnt think so, but here i am. defiant. exhausted, with my bonsai stunted spine with scoliosis and severe kyphosis. extremely fragile. and always looking for beauty in the skies, trees, and critters.

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Replies to "i finished a really difficult side effects year of Evenity and started Reclast. i asked for..."

This is terrible. I'm so sorry. I wish my dr. would have gone over the side effects other than the 1st 3 days, but yes, I have all your "feel like garbage" effects. I was hoping they'd dissipate over time.

@kittiecat So sorry to hear how badly Reclast effected you even on a slow half dose infusion. That's just plain scary. All the osteo drugs have possible bad side effects but Reclast seems to take the cake. And yet some people have no problem at all. I really don't get it. I understand why there is some variation on peoples responses to different drugs but the variation with Reclast is just huge. I hope you feel better soon!

I'm sorry you are still suffering. I do understand. I just passed 1 year after Reclast infusion, still pretty darn disgusted and dealing with the side effects. Hoping you feel better.