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@junagode My system for hydration is quite different. I don't drink only "water" daily but my liquid intake consists also of chicken bone broth from Costco (no sodium, little potassium), seltzer water (no calories), True lemonade or Crystal Light (no calories), and diet Lemon Lime Sprite (clear soda only). On the bone broth, i add onion powder and garlic herb powder for taste (Mrs. Dash). For dessert, I have sugar free Popsicles. I don't think I could handle just plain water daily.

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Replies to "@junagode My system for hydration is quite different. I don't drink only "water" daily but my..."

@collegeprof Like you, plain water sometimes is, well, too plain. True Lemon, True Lime or True Orange crystals help. Diet lemon Lime Sprite. A hot cup of herbal tea each afternoon. But first thing in the morning, no matter the weather, is a glass of crushed ice and water. Very refreshing, and it serves to wake up my system.