Painful walking and tingling, burning feet

Posted by randy23507 @randy23507, Feb 20, 2024

Has anyone tried anything that works?

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May I ask what prescriptions did you stop taking?

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Painful walking and lost the feeling on you feet?

I’m here.. the same things. Why? I already have TBI’s on my brain 12 yrs ago, BUT I feel down in my garage on the wooden steps and hit my overtop my legs. After that, physically no longer of cutting the grass, falling down a lot daily, can’t walk after the 5 mins; pain & unbalanced standing up; falling down often.

Think about my future —> this is good - real good. Because of my TBI, I can’t say of what is coming… but next mth I’m going to this doctor - he helped me just 12 yrs ago after that accident - will work from the bottom of my back and “fix it” - even before my TBI accident. He’s fixing of what happened on the nevuers (sp?) and moving them back. That doctor does a 6 hr day and according to him I can walk. No more unbalanced, and no pain… ok, the pain will change to a diff way and walking - daily according to him will take the next 4 mths.

I’m happy. Yes, I exercise now and decades ago, but according to him, no exercise for the next 4 mths, but walking over walking - daily.

At first, I can’t walk without holding my hands and wheels - that I already walking to church, restaurants, stores. I hope after that will not use this 4 wheels walking.

Acciring to the dr tells of computers of pix when he holds the hand-made and looking as he moves. 6 hrs - wow.

I’ve been there with pains, falling down, can’t do this or that and on. 12 yrs of my accident turn my life from my head to the bottom of my feet (bible part) and this coming time will get back of standing up and walk.

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My Dr. took me off meloxicam and soon after that i started having all these problems of falling down,feet hurting,tingling and burning because he said it would eventually kill me.Coincidense?Not sure till July when i see him and tell him i want them.Death,maybe but happy till then.Not sure yet.


I've been using Vitality Oils. It really helps my burning, tingling and numbness. All you do is roll it on the bottom of your feet. Check out their website.


My Dr. took me off meloxicam and soon after that i started having all these problems of falling down,feet hurting,tingling and burning because he said it would eventually kill me.Coincidense?Not sure till July when i see him and tell him i want them.Death,maybe but happy till then.Not sure yet.

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Hi! I'm taking 600mg. Alpha-Lipoic Acid
15mg. Meloxicam
10mg. Nortriptilyne
50mg. Tramodol

Currently bursitis, tendonitis and arthritis are taking center stage. Maybe taking my mind off the neuropathy??


There is just so much that even the best neurologist can do. And we share the same incredible neurologist. In-put from rheumatologist and primary care physicians (all having been carefully selected based on their expertise, background, etc., same as done with neurologist) meets with a stone wall since again there is "just so much" that can be done. From past experiences, neurologists are quick to prescribe gapapentin and antidepressants that also are said to combat nerve pain. And past experiences have led us to say "No thanks" to that line of "treatment."
"There are avenues" that we explore, and decisions made as to which, if any, are worthwhile investing in and exploring. There is NO cure for many conditions, such as those that we both unfortunately deal with. So there does come the point when we face what we have, employ strategies, etc., that best work at reducing pain, discomfort, and learn to work around it within our lives.

TODAY is actually a "good day" for both of us! I retired early last night (before 9PM), coping with full body Pain Level 10/10 from one of my more serious painful conditions polymalgia rheumatica. This morning, I was able to stand, walk (taking small steps at first), and enjoy my coffee and GF bagel because pain had subsided down to a more tolerable 6/10. I was HAPPY with that! My husband had a fitful night due to neuralgic pain but slept a bit later and this morning was able to slowly emerge from the pain fog he'd been in. He's chipper, able to ambulate, and eager to accompany me to do a few short errands in our town because his feet are not cascading in neuropathic pain. When we return, we will both elevate our legs (I haven't bought a recliner yet so will use ottoman; he'll use his recliner) and rest while watching an early newscast. Having rested, I can then go into the kitchen and prepare a simple but "healthful" meal that we'll share. TODAY IS INDEED BETTER than was yesterday! And we celebrate and appreciate that😊.

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Mrs. Delia28,
Congrats for your retirement! And getting your (or his) ottoman.

Sitting down is good & little or no pain from legs or feet - I’ve been there until 3 weeks ago. My Doctor A (2 mths ago to have a choose between me & my wife) fixed and ended the pain from my 2 rear ends down to the bottom, BUT this happened 2 years ago, I fell down of my garage and hit my rear ends. I lost my body of pain, lost my balance, lost some feeling on the bottom of my right leg, BUT that pain I could not walk past 15 feet. Thankfully, the pain is gone, but I need to exercising daily of holding of walking a 4 or 2 holler or just exercising stretch from my legs. How long? I don’t know - for now


I use 5% lidocaine patches prescribed by my podiatrist to control the nerve pain in my feet at night. I place the patches on the tops of my feet where the epidermis is thinner.

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My amazing podiatrist created a combination of elements that he then sent the precription to a compounding pharmacy in another state. Was a bit pricey but what great stuff! Just a metered pump (sometimes two) rubbed gently over the painful areas on the neuromas on my left foot and I get welcomed relief. However, for the polymalgic rheumatica pain I would have to bathe in it in order to possibly get relief because my entire body cascades into high level pain. Too often, I have to just endure, as I did last week when a nasty episode took over the torso and appendages. I considered sleeping on the sofa since it was tortuous navigating the stairs to the second floor bedroom (but the mattress is so much more comforting than the sectional, so I made my way step by step, concretizing the concept of installing a stair lift system).

It's great that the patches work for you. 😊


Mrs. Delia28,
Congrats for your retirement! And getting your (or his) ottoman.

Sitting down is good & little or no pain from legs or feet - I’ve been there until 3 weeks ago. My Doctor A (2 mths ago to have a choose between me & my wife) fixed and ended the pain from my 2 rear ends down to the bottom, BUT this happened 2 years ago, I fell down of my garage and hit my rear ends. I lost my body of pain, lost my balance, lost some feeling on the bottom of my right leg, BUT that pain I could not walk past 15 feet. Thankfully, the pain is gone, but I need to exercising daily of holding of walking a 4 or 2 holler or just exercising stretch from my legs. How long? I don’t know - for now

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What a horrid experience you had! I'm sure that you had to deal with incredible pain, in several areas....You may need physical therapy for relief and for regaining proper use of the affected areas. Time consuming, but if you have an excellent therapist, will be well worth it. I've regained use of my entire arm/should/hand (right side) from many weeks of PT and OT. And I am careful with what activities I now do. Nearly 2 yrs of PT for my foot and knee (damaged at same time as the arm/shoulder) have brought much relief although I do still have levels of pain in my ankle (due to Complex Regional Pain Syndrome). My knee: just completed another round of 3 shots into the joint, with a repeat in about 6 months. Those shots, coupled with weeks of PT with an incredible therapist (same one that I asked to do PT for the painfully affected ankle) has prevented having surgery. So I'm good with doing the shots, although they can be a bit painful. Those are minor issues considering what I've learned that I must now face....I'll be posting and reaching out for input from the mayoconnect community once I can digest the impact of what I was informed yesterday at a consultation with yet another neurologist...makes the other issues that I've dealt with seem like much of nothing....

I'd appreciate knowing what you've done or plan to do for the painful situations that you have, resulting from that horrid fall. BTW: The painful traumas to my entire left side were due to a devastating fall onto a concrete floor, at a food warehouse club. Went in to purchase iced turkey and a head of iceberg and left in pain, with my life altered ever since then.

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