Neuropathy pills: How to avoid scams?

Posted by wideawakechas @wideawakechas, Oct 26, 2021

Has anyone heard of or tried a pill treatment called Vita Soothe Pro? Nerve Savior?

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Has anyone trued nerve savior and what was their experience. I have lumbar spinal stenosis and very bad static pain and neuropathy

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@aletta Welcome to Mayo Connect.
If you follow this link, you will find a discussion about the product.

As a general tip, when evaluating supplements and treatments, whenever a seller doesn't provide an easy way to see a full list of the ingredients, it should be a "red flag." When you "Google" the name and only find the vendor's website with no independent product reports or reviews, another "red flag." When all the "positive reviews" are testimonials on the vendor's site, "red flag" number 3.

So, as a natural skeptic, I would say this product falls into the category of "too good to be true"



No truer words were ever spoken I almost got hooked in $15000.00 up front payment because he doesn’t accept insurance, he was very persuasive but to good to be true. I’ve been on it 3 days not much difference so I’ll give it 10 days I’ll keep in touch. Thank u for responding. How sad we can fly people to the moon, do heart transplants I could go on and on and l can’t figure out how they can’t help us with this horrible disease. God Bless U.

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I gave it a full 30 days - no difference for me. I totally agree. Not enough is being done to find solutions for this painful condition. Oh wait - that's because Big Pharma wants to keep us hooked on Gabapentin, Lyrica, Cymbalta, etc. and scammers want to keep us buying their snake oil. Yeah, I'm pretty jaded after all this time about any of it. I've found a few things that help at night - a topical I've used for years called Ted's Pain Cream ( and it often soothes the nerves in my feet at night so I can sleep. I use their original formula, which has a light minty smell that dissipates quickly, and it's not greasy. I tried their extra strengh version but liked the original better. Other times, I use Salonpas Lidocaine Roll-On. It's all trial and error, but these are the few things that have brought me some relief. God bless you, too!


I have feet neuropathy from chemo & radiation treatments for breast cancer. I tried Nerve Savior and it didn’t help me. I have been using vitamin B12 Methyl 5000mg for 3 months and it seems to be helping my walking and stability. Feet are still numb, stiff and tingly and they feel extremely cold at times which makes it difficult to sleep. I find that elevating my feet above heart level seems to alleviate the extreme cold feeling. Also, I bought Skechers Step-in shoes which seem to help.

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Those numb tingly feet benefit from what I call a rice bag which you heat in a micriwave. You can make one by filling a heavy large cotton athletic sock with rice, or use what I do and buy a "body shawl". I love it for cold feet and shoulders heat therapy. There are lots of places to buy one online. I get mine at


Those numb tingly feet benefit from what I call a rice bag which you heat in a micriwave. You can make one by filling a heavy large cotton athletic sock with rice, or use what I do and buy a "body shawl". I love it for cold feet and shoulders heat therapy. There are lots of places to buy one online. I get mine at

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I’ve tried rice bags in microwave. it feels good while they’re warm but too much running back to reheat them especially in bed trying to get to sleep. I’ve also tried Gabapentin. Thanks for your concern.


You’ll want to share the ingredients of that supplement with your doctor to see what is right for you. Nerve Savior contains: Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol), Folate, Vitamin D12, Ashwagandha, Turmeric, Benfotiamine, Acetyl L-Carnitine, Broccoli Powder.

My PCP doctor recommended Alpha Lipoic acid for me. The neurologist told me it was okay for me to take B12 for 6 months but no more. And definitely not B6. My B6 is getting too high. B vitamins are essential but too much can damage nerves. Turmeric is best absorbed when eaten warmed up with black pepper - you’d want to find out if your body can absorb turmeric from a capsule. And, ashwagandha - I’ve looked before and I can’t find consistent reports whether this is good or not.
The other issue, is whether this brand is actually providing appropriate levels of the supplements or not. It drives me crazy to read the reports that say some supplements don’t have what their label says it has . . . I want to know which brands they know are mislabeled.

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I've tried all of the supplements and nothing works I'm so frustrated


Has anyone ever used nerve Savior and it worked. Is it a scam??

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I have not used Nerve Savior but I’ve tried most others with same ingredients and had no success. I just can’t believe that neuropathy is incurable. I feel so desperate.

Will they ever find the answer?


I have not used Nerve Savior but I’ve tried most others with same ingredients and had no success. I just can’t believe that neuropathy is incurable. I feel so desperate.

Will they ever find the answer?

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Welcome @bigjohnscho, Will they ever find the answer is the question many of us have on our minds. There are a lot of different complementary and alternative treatments that offer some level of relief for the symptoms but no cures. You might want to scan through the discussions and comments from members from this search results for "neuropathy what helps" -

I shared my neuropathy journey in another discussion here - Do you mind sharing a little more about your neuropathy diagnosis and what symptoms bother you the most?


Having neuropathy for 15 years now and tried everything, can hardly walk now using my canes whereever I go. I feel nothing works much at all. Supplements are mostly a scam in my opinion after taking every one making claims that just are not trueI, they just want our money is all. If something does pop up, and works well, our doctors will know very quickly, having many patients suffering as I do..
One thing, I wear foot warmers in cold weather, anything colder than about 70 degrees and it does help as my feet are in that freezing state most all the time.
2nd thing, I also take Gabapentin several times each day and between these two items I get by, just enough though that I can sleep at night..

So this is just an opinion, but I feel anyone who takes colesterol meds is at risk for neuropathy. Doctors will not verify this saying they have no evidence but if one looks at what neuropathy is, the loss of the Mylan sheath that is made from our bodies natural colesterol working like an insulator over the nerves, it sort of makes sense. I took heavy does of this Med and within a year I had neuropathy that steadily got worse and worse..The nerves lose this covering that then sends pain signals to the brain..My own therory but there you have it..

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My Neuropathy started with leg aches (thigh to calf something like sciatica nerve pain) waking me up from my nap. Now my feet (actually my ankles) wake me up as they feel frozen - sometimes the heals feel like they are burning up. The funny thing is it mostly occurs when I am laying down and almost nothing when I am walking or standing up) Dr gave me Gabapentin after 2 years of complaining and first gave me Narco 10mg which I was taking when it was just leg pain. Narco stills works best and no real side affects. Anyone have my similar symptoms?

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